UCSB & UCI 2018 Honors accepted, what is the realistic chance for the rest?

1st time college parent here,

my D has been notified of acceptance by UC Irvine & UC Santa Barbara (chancellors Invitation) last week (No regents).
we’re anxiously waiting for the rest (UCLA, UCSD & UCB), all of them are for engineering major (bio-medical).

i’m guessing other UC schools mentioned above doesn’t have similar early notice type thing (other than regents) ?
if so, what is her ‘realistic’ chance of getting into above schools considering the 2 ‘early’ acceptance ??

i’m sure we’ll find out soon enough but… perhaps some of you more ‘experienced’ parents could enlighten us anxious newbies a bit ?!~

Thanks in advance for any insights.


thanx for the great stat.

however, my inquiry is regarding more about what happened to kids that have gotten the early notice from UCI & UCSB in the years past (NON-regent)… how many of them were accepted/rejected into UCLA, UCB & UCSD in the end.

it seemed like there were quite a few kids who has gotten honor notice from both on this board, so i was hoping to hear from them or their parents of what happened.

Experience from two applicants last year:

  1. Female, very high stats and ECs, got UCSB Chancellor’s invite, was admitted to Bioengineering at Berkeley and UCLA
  2. Male, Very high stats, got UCI Honors invite, got UCSC Regents, was admitted UCSB (no Chancellor invite), but was denied at UCLA and denied UC Berkeley, all Computer Science/college of engineering.

that’s what i was looking for, thank you !

it sounds like you’re quoting past posts so you may not know these but…

  1. did the 1st female not applied to UCI or did she just not get the honor ?
  2. i'm guessing computer science is generally more competitive than biomedical major ?
  3. how about UCSD in both cases ??

thanx again.

Hi there, if you don’t mind me asking, what are your daughters stats? (UC GPA and test scores)

My daughter is applying engineering as well.

These are kids I know personally, not from the board. I believe the female bioengineering applicant didn’t apply to UCI or UCSD. She was also admitted to bioengineering at Johns Hopkins U. I forgot to say that the male CS student was also admitted regular admit at UCSD Computer Science. Computer Science is very competitive but so is bioengineering in many places–not sure how they compare, though.

1500 SAT (single sitting), 790 Math II are the only tests she took.
4.2 UC GPA, 4.4 otherwise…so really nothing special, perhaps they liked her essays.

Yes, all you can do is wait. In my D’s year, her classmate was rejected by UCLA but admitted to Stanford (and Cal).

“Stuff” happens. You just never know how the app reader will react.

my D just yelled at me saying her UC GPA is actually :

Unweighted GPA: 3.96
Weighted GPA: 4.50
Weighted and Capped GPA: 4.29

sorry for the confusion.

UCI CHP, UCSB Chancellors Invite (Honors), UCSC Honors (with $$), SLO Honors, SDSU Honors, UCD (regular), UCSD (waitlisted) and UCLA (denied).

We have a friend who was denied by UCSB and UCI but accepted to UCSD. Go figure!

@avz11ymc4 thanks for asking this. I was wondering the same. My S18 was accepted to UCI honors, UCSB chancellors and as of yesterday SLO. SAT 1500, GPA 4.5 and ACT 34. Fingers crossed on remaining UCs, esp. UCLA.

@lovespink ,

from what i could gather so far, those 2 early acceptances doesn’t really amount to much when it comes to Top UCs.
it’s going to be a crap shoot so we all have to hold our breath 'til the end of the month. good luck to us all !!

@avz11ymc4 it also depends on major and what college within each university you are applying into.

@lkg4answers ,

i’m glad you mentioned that and hope you know the answer to this question

when Irvine & SB sent out those early honors, did they choose from each respective major/dept. or just overall applicant pool ? obviously, former would be preferred for ‘chance at other UC’ sake but…since it’s biomedical engineering… it would still be a crap shoot regardless.

I am not in admin so can’t say for sure. UCSB has three colleges - L&S, Engineering & Creative Studies. The majority of students are in L&S so I don’t think UCSB chooses based on college or major. At the Chancellors reception they said that the student’s receiving invites represented the top 15% of the applicants. They said that Regents represented the top 2%.

We went to the UCI CHP open house. I thought (but am not 100% positive) that I remembered them saying that they admitted honors students based on major and the size of the department. For instance, they would accept more honors kids into Biology because it is a larger department than something like Classics.

D: 2014-UCSB chancellors invite (no regents), UCB (regents invite/but did not get). Admit to UCLA, UCI, UCD, UCSD. Attending UCB engineering

S: 2016: UCI CHP, UCD regents. Admit to UCLA, UCB, UCSB, UCSD. Attending UCLA biology.

D: Among UCs, applied only to UCI and UCLA three years ago. Received both UCI and UCLA Regents. Gratuating from UCLA next quarter.

@svlab112 ,

quite a duo you got there.

what do you think was the ‘true’ difference maker in your opinion (being accepted to all) ?

i tend to believe ‘essays’ are the most crucial once applicant reaches certain stat/EC criteria.
all the numbers will look similar after certain point, so rest will depend on how much one stands out without it.

some say UCs really don’t have the resource to look closely at each essays compare to privates but…i would like to think otherwise especially for schools like B or LA.

but then again, what do i know ~!~ you’re the parent with double studs so…please share some wisdom with rest of us.