UCSC or UCD help me decide

Hello, I got accepted to both universities and they both offered me enough grant monies to pay for everything with some
some left over. For instance, after paying all the fees at UCSC I will have $9,000 left over (annually).


My scenario is that:
UCD will be the easier route: I wont have to move, but it is not the degree I want and I am not excited for it.
UCSC will be a challenge because I will have to move to a more expensive city, but they have the exact degree I want and I am very excited for it.


I live in Sacramento so UCD is not much of a drive from where I am. UCSC on the other hand, I will have to move and that is a challenge, it is expensive there and I would have to break my current lease.
I really want to go to UCSC, I visited the campus and I felt a strong connection there and I am really comfortable with the environment. I haven’t visited UCD yet but I hear it is very nice.
UCSC has the exact degree I want, which is a computer science degree with an emphasis on game development, as I want to become a game developer. UCD only has a traditional computer science degree, which I feel is nice but at the same time I went to school to make games and that’s primarily what I want to do. However, UCD has a really competitive computer science degree and I feel proud to get accepted into it. I feel the degree will land me any job.

I hope some here will have experience something similar and could shed light on their decision making. Any regrets? This is the biggest decision I feel I will ever make, and I don’t want to have any regrets.

I say, follow what you want to have as a career. If UCSC is giving you want you want, I would say go for it because it’s important to like what you’re pursuing. You already love the campus and the idea of them having what you want. :slight_smile: I know some people who chose majors they don’t like so that they can just have a degree that will open many doors for them, but they’re not happy about it. But it’s all up to you, you should talk it out with your family/friends/counselors to further think about it. I also feel the same, because there’s so many options, I’ve changed my top school many times and I’m still mixed on it. I hope to make a choice soon so I’ll be happy where I’m going for the next two years :)!

Attached are a couple of reputable sources on CS rankings:



You should definitely visit UCD and their CS dept, look into the CS curriculum in detail. Are you 100% sure UCD CS doesn’t have an emphasis in game development? Speak to an academic adviser.

At the end of the day, getting a CS degree from either UCD or UCSC will provide you with plenty of job opportunities. Go wherever you feel you have the best chance of success and happiness.

@Sekime than you for the insightful comment I agree with everything you said. “I know some people who chose majors they don’t like so that they can just have a degree that will open many doors for them, but they’re not happy about it.” - that is my biggest fear.

what schools are you thinking of?

@bighero8 thank you for those sources I will def have to give them a further look. I haven’t visited UCD yet but I really should - a CS professor from UCD came to my programming course this semester and said I could visit a class of his to get a feel for it. I think I am going to take that opportunity. I have spoke to the UCD rep at my campus but she isn’t a computer science specialist - she has helped me a ton and is the person who convinced me apply to UCD - she is really an amazing person. I will have to speak to an advisor if I can to discuss my options for game development.

Thank you again for the comment.

thank you guys I really appreciate you coming here to talk about this with me and to give me your advice.

I’ve decided to go to UCSC, I put in my intent and have now been officially accepted. @Sekime you really helped me decide. @bighero8 I really feel Santa Cruz will provide my best chance at a happy life. I feel so grateful for this opportunity. I am going to go look at an RV a nice lady is renting on her land and she will allow both my dogs to come and an extremely affordable rate. She said it is only 20 minutes from the campus. I can’t wait! Wish me luck guys! Financial aid told me today I will get a fed pell grant for this semester for a substantial amount this Friday. I am thinking about paying the deposit and offering a holding fee to show her I am serious about renting this out. This is the first time in my life things have opened up and I feel like I have control. This is the first time I have ever accomplished anything - on May 17th I graduate my CC with an AS in math! I am so excited to work on my BS in computer science and eventually make games - it makes me love this country - UCSC offered me a full ride! I have worked so hard for straight A’s and this is really a dream come true.

I love this site it has been invaluable to my experience. Even though this is a great time in my life it is also the most challenging. I have never been challenged so hard. My professors really seem to care about me and my education and push me. Even though I have straight A’s not one professor made it easy. It feels so nice looking at my transcript - I sucked in highschool and barely passed. I also sucked when I went for nursing in 2011 at the same CC. I failed so many classes and dropped even more - I brought a 1.6 to a 3.9 though. It took over a year, but with academic renewals I have gone from academic probation to highest honors.

Thank you for taking the time to look into my specific situation and giving some great advice!

@Sekime how is everything working out with you?

@Ruskointhehouse Congrats on making your decision! I hope you have a great time at UCSC and that it’ll help push you closer to your dream job and opportunities. Reading your experience was really amazing, you’ve worked hard and your efforts have paid off and now you’re onto the next step :)!

For me, I’m still debating on where to go but I’m leaning towards SDSU. UCSD and UCI are my other options I’m considering. UCSD requires me to take two additional classes,while UCI is far but I’ve fulfilled my classes there. Living on campus is costly and I also want to finish my degree on time, so that’s why I’m learning towards SDSU. I’ll miss out on the quarter lifestyle,my friends have said it’s too quick/stressful and they live on coffee but I see what it’s like :)) Semester systems are always so long but they do go by 3 times faster when it comes down to the last month. #:-S

Good luck on your future endeavors!!

@Sekime thank you for the response :smiley:

I had a friend who goes to UCD tell me that the quarter system is really nice, and that our cc semester was too slow for them and that it dragged on.
UCI is a hard school to get into and a very good one! I got rejected from there…

Let me know what you end up deciding to do and I wish you well.

I have a decision pending until Monday on a sweet spot to live so wish me luck.

@Ruskointhehouse I agree, I like the idea of a quarter semester because heading into the semester, everyone starts out more motivated and I find that most people burn out with the semester system because it’s too long, so the quarter helps you keep that going. Thanks for your kind words, I decided on attending SDSU! I also wish you well and that you enjoy your time at UCSC. :slight_smile:

@Sekime I hope all is well with you, I think the quarter system works well with my pace although can be a little overwhelming. I ended up going to UCD, I couldn’t find an affordable spot to live - and UCD is only 30 minutes from where I live, although traffic can bring that up to over an hour - I get off during rush hour so am planning on staying longer lol f*** traffic (excuse my French).