Ucsc sip 2022

ohh I see, so did they respond to your follow-up email last year??

oh sorry that was for @pineapplesugar

do they tell u what ur waitlisted for? i dont think they did for me

they didn’t for me either that was just what i listed when i applied

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are you guys able to see the sip application portal? I can’t find it for some reason

Anyone seeing an absurd amount of waitlists? Me and 5 other friends applied, all waitlisted. feels like the waitlist doesnt mean much anymore, just a way to make the rejection pain feel less lmao

edit: 7/7 ppl from my school waitlisted

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Did anyone get in for biology? There seem to be very few biology projects up right now in comparison to the other fields, wonder if that played into current decisions.

yeah that’s what I was thinking too. I got waitlisted, and both of my preferred subjects had pretty few projects (one for my first choice and three for my second)

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So waitlists mean rejection

not necessarily. I actually know a fair amount of people who got in off waitlist in previous years, just wait and see. dont get your hopes up but dont be too negative either! If you’re on the waitlist you deserve to be there and have a chance :slight_smile:

looks like the waitlist rate is really high this year, almost everyone who didn’t get accepted got waitlisted (myself included)

Also, for all those still looking for your email, check promotions. The email is most likely there

yep, i cant think of any other way to explain how all 7 people from my school who applied were waitlisted lmao

I got waitlisted for BME and microbio. I think there’s not much space for those who’ve applied for biology-related fields, unlike astro or other fields that have a lot more projects.

i think they sent out a lot of waitlists bcz maybe they’re still expecting new projects to open

Anyone get off the waitlist yet?

We have not been able to log in as well. My D got a mail saying admitted, but none of the links on the email work.

you need to copy and paste the links they send you. Idk why clicking on them redirects you to the 2021 application

thanks! Worked after copy /paste

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By when are waitlist decisions released

the deadline to pay is this weekend so i assume they’ll start getting people off the waitlist after