UCSC vs UC Davis vs UCSB?

Hi guys, sorry for yet another comparison thread, however, not being able to visit these campuses is making it really hard to decide… I’m also a transfer* biochem major (pre-bio for Santa Barbara) although I do art as a very serious hobby. I also live in SoCal.

I SIR’d to UC Santa Cruz and tbh, from what I’ve seen and read, I think I would really like the environment. I love being outside and I love both the forest and the beach. Aesethcially, it is UCSC all the way. I also think I would fit in with some of the stereotype characteristics of the SC student population (vegan, environmentally-conscience, tree hugger, etc, etc,…don’t judge lol) although I don’t smoke weed or anything.

That being said, I just got off the waitlist for Santa Barbara and Davis and now I’m being pressured to attend one of these campuses because of the prestige compared to UCSC! It is making me feel quite inferior lol.

For UCSB - The campus and area is certainly nice (although not as dreamy as SC lol) and of course, it’s higher ranked. But I do not like the party scene, and do not care for all the “bro” vibes that the school has.

For Davis - Davis was initially my top choice because of its emphasis on agriculture until I got into SC and learned more about SC’s similar programs. I also do not like the hot weather, the fact that it is nowhere near the beach and, correct me if I’m wrong, the Davis campus reminds me of Irvine a lot as far as the environment/buildings are concerned and I hate it lol. Again, Davis is more prestigious though. And I do not know much about the student personality there.

Please help, whenever I think of picking one campus, I regret the others.

EDIT: I wanted to add that I really want to go to UCSD for grad school, so from what I’m aware, that is the degree that will matter as opposed to my undergrad school, although I was just told that some employers will look at the undergrad school and it affects one’s salary…?

EDIT 2: (sorry, my mind is panicking) I know most of the things I’ve listed is shallow but it is my understanding that education is what I make it out to be and I will probably be able to learn a lot from all UCs

My advice is go to the school where you feel the academics, finances and social life fit you best and where you think you will thrive. “Prestige” means little for most employers whom will look for students with a particular skill set and what they contribute to their company.

As long as you are happy, you will be successful.

Not sure where you got the idea that UCD is like UCI. Completely different student and campus vibes. UCD is a biking campus and has a great bus system which gets you around campus and town. The quintessential small town feel but only 20 min to Sacramento airport and about 1 1/2 to 2 hours away from Lake Tahoe. Socially, UCD is more earthy, laid back and friendly but there are students who drink and party if you like that scene. It also has four seasons so rain and cold during the winter, a beautiful spring and then a hot summer. UCD tends to more collaborative vs. competitive. Undergrad research is available especially if you find a professor with your area of interest.

This is from a parent’s perspective and my son’s whom attended UCD as an Environmental Science major. School choice is very individual so no one can really tell you which school is best for you.

It sounds like you have your mind made up and are happy with UCSC. Have you visited campus? UCSC is made up of several smaller colleges that are relatively distant and independent of each other. It has a different social feel than any of the other UCs.

When reading your description of yourself, my initial thought was that UCSB would not be a good fit (socially) and that Davis would be great. That said, if you hate Davis, nothing you learn on this board, prestige or ranking is going to change that.

This is from the perspective of a UCSB alum and UCD parent.

Thank you @Gumbymom !! You’re right about the prestige, it’s just sad that my family and friends will look down on it.

Since you mentioned finances…where can I find info regarding the financial aid packages that Santa Barbara and Davis will offer me? I only have until the end of this week to decide but both schools are saying that financial aid for me is currently unavailable!!

EDIT: My fafsa has been up to date since last fall.

@lkg4answers Thank you for your insight. I think you’re right about me not enjoying Santa Barbara, so I think I will eliminate that as an option.

It’s not that I hate Davis, I guess I’m just not a fan of the location, how flat it is, and all the landscaped grass haha I know I sound I really shallow and dumb. I really wish I could visit these schools, thanks again!

To find your financial package for UCD, Log into MyAwards to review your aid package on the student portal.

For UCSB, in your student portal you should have a My Aid Status tab.

I also agree with @lkg4answers that UCSC seems to be your preference so go with your gut and pick the school that you really want to attend. Happy students = Successful students and hopefully your parents will realize this.