UCSD B-School?

<p>Does UCSD have a business school?</p>


<p>google is your friend:
[UCSD</a> Business school - Google Search](<a href=“UCSD Business school - Google Search”>UCSD Business school - Google Search)</p>

<p>thanks. can someone please chance my transfer chances… </p>

<p>Junior transfer from Loyola Marymount University
3.6 cumulative GPA
dean’s list
great essays + recs (1 from a professor and one from the CEO of a marketing firm I have been interning at)
extracurriculars are good (President of 3 dorms)</p>

<p>I am a Washington State resident</p>

<p>You do know that Rady School of Management does not offer a business major at the UNDERGRADUATE level.</p>

<p>are there any majors at UCSD related to business… like they do not offer accounting, marketing or anything along those lines?</p>

<p>management science, its close to econ though</p>

<p>Management Science does NOT equal Business! just so everyone knows. But that’s the closest thing there is.</p>

<p>UC does not solicit nor accept letters of reccomendation. You’re free to submit your LoR if you’re pursuing an admissions appeal, though.</p>

<p>can anyone chance me at getting into UCSD as a political science major please… thank u</p>

<p>ucsd does have an accounting minor which is probably the closest thing…</p>

<p>you look good for Poli Sci. Note, however, that as an out-of-state student you will be paying full freight (around $ 48 K) or so for attending UCSD. Do you still want to settle for a second-choice major.</p>

<p>If you truly want business, why not the Marshall School at USC – which for the same price will allow you to major in any business field of your choice. Your 3.5+ GPA from LMU and recommendations will help. Excellent essays will also count.</p>

<p>If you can look outside California, look at Business week’s list of top undergraduate B-schools including the programs at Cornell and other schools.</p>

<p>cornell… you think I can get into schools like that with a 3.6?</p>

<p>3.6 with a holistic evaluation = a sporting chance worth $ 70 application fee. At schools such as Cornell you will also be eligible for consideration of financial aid under policies that are decidedly more liberal than any UC.</p>