<p>I have a lot of ambivalence regarding my academic and vocational future. At this point, I'm fairly certain that I would like to attend b-school.</p>
<p>I've been accepted as an undergraduate to both USC and UCSD. USC is generally pointed out to be the obvious choice to make when going into business. However, as fate would have it, I have an urgent and compelling reason to go to UCSD...so...</p>
<p>My question is, are there any merits that UCSD have over USC in terms of a student pursuing a career in business? Anything at all.</p>
<p>USC's merits over UCSD:
- Has business/accounting/finance major
- Seen it referenced as a "big 4 factory" on the forums here somewhere
- Will pretty much guarantee you a job by junior year
- Will help with finding internships with "big" places, which will look nice on job apps</p>
<p>UCSD on the other hand:
- Has strong Econ and PoliSci departments
- Management Science minor?
- Umm...looks like they don't help as much with connecting you to the business world or hooking you up with internships...</p>
<p>If UCSD is really a cruddy school to go to when wanting to go into business, should I just give up that path then? I mean, will I still be okay in the business world if I don't take any business classes at all in undergrad, and instead take them all instead at b-school? My job prospects won't nearly be as pretty as the guy graduating from USC...but still, I'll be okay, right? I'll still manage to find opportunities that can afford me a secure and nice (financially) place in the business world?</p>
<p>I would then major in Econ, PoliSci, or English at UCSD, and minor in Management Science. I would take business courses at my local CC over the summer to get some knowledge in the areas so I'm not -too- far behind when I enter b-school. And then of course, I would apply for b-school. (Would a degree from USC would look prettier than a degree from UCSD to the b-school adcom?)</p>
<p>I guess what I'm basically looking for is reassurance backed by some sort of praise of UCSD, or being told that no, business is not the right path in this situation.</p>