UCSD Colleges

<p>Hi everyone,</p>

<p>I'm applying to UC San Diego, and on the UC application it mentions that we need to rank the colleges 1-6 (1 being our first choice): Marshall, Muir, Warren, Eleanor Roosevelt, Sixth, and Revelle.</p>

<p>I've been researching them myself, but I'd like to know what others think :)</p>

<p>I am super passionate for molecular biology (I've done 3 internships over my last three years in high school - I'm a senior), but I'm also really interested in the social sciences, like political science, which I want to double major in. If not political science, then maybe political economy, sociology, or business. So I want to surround myself with people who have the same thirst for a wide breadth of knowledge, who really are looking outside their primary major just for the sake of learning.</p>

<p>What I'm really bad at is math, computer programming, and technology. I HATE working with computers, though I totally understand that they are the bane of my existence. So any GEs that stress calculus, math, comp science, etc. aren't my thing, but I can deal with it if everything else weighs it out.</p>

<p>I also am going to be premed, so I'd like to have a college who's GEs aren't so bad and I can still manage a very high GPA.</p>

<p>I come from a school where everybody is a nerd, always studying or trying to do stuff to get into college. I look stupid compared to them, though I'm really not that dumb. I love having a life outside of school, which a lot of kids at my high school fail to understand. So I want to go to a college where the kids are smart, ambitious, but are also social and love having a good time (I'm pointing this out because some UCSD grads have told me that Warren is all nerdiness).</p>

<p>I am VERY PASSIONATE about community involvement (I have over 700 hours) and I want to be a part of a college where everyone is really into "changing the world." Kind of goes along with the previous paragraph, I don't want to be surrounded by the same type of people, who just do stuff to get into a good grad school.</p>

<p>I'm also a social butterfly, so I need to be surrounded by people who like talking.</p>

<p>Location is also really important to me. I mean, this is San Diego, so good dorms with nice views would be perfect, and a central location would be awesome. </p>

<p>So yup, that's basically what I'm looking for in my UCSD college, but I know the GEs are basically the most important. So I'll repeat my academic info again: I'm crazy about biology, but I don't like math, computer programming, or techy stuff, and I'm fairly smart but not a nerd. I'm also looking to med school, so GEs that won't significantly butcher my GPA are very appealing.</p>

<p>Please help me choose the UCSD college ranking list you think best fits!</p>

<p>Thanks everyone!</p>