I was recently admitted as a transfer for both UCSD and UCSB. I am on the pre-med track for both and not sure which school to choose. For UCSD I am a psychology major in Revelle Collge and for UCSB I am a pre-psychology and brain sciences major. Any information that can help me make a decision will be greatly appreciated!

No bad option between the 2 schools. Where you able to visit either campus? Are the costs the same?

Have you compared the degree curriculum between the 2 schools to see if there are any major differences in courses and electives?

You do have an additional hurdle to overcome at UCSB before declaring your full major so that may have an impact on your choice.


I’m in the same boat. Which emphasis did you select for UCSD? I chose Cog. Science, and idk if this is the same for all emphases but if you look at the coursework you’d have to take, UCSD has a lot more research experience embedded into its program. That may or may not be important to you but it is worth checking out the coursework for the specific emphasis you selected at UCSD and compare it against UCSB’s program.

My son is in the same spot. He is interested in Cog. Brain Research and is convinced UCSB is the better choice, but I feel like UCSD is. The academic side is the key factor for him, not campus or social (odd kid, I know).

So l got into UCSD, UCLA, and UCSB for psych same as you. I talked to a couple of my friends who went to UCSB as premeds. One is now at UCSF medical school as a 3rd year and the other took a few years is off and is doing a masters program. Talking to them both, one of them said they’d choose UCSD and the other UCLA. UCSB is a great campus with lots of opportubitis and they’re glad they went there as young adults who wanted a typical college experience

But if you know that medical school is the route for you and you want to excel and have all of the opportunities, and the social scene isn’t as important, then UCSD is the right place. If you want that social scene of IV (Ive been there 10 times and its pretty crazy and easy to get sidetracked) then UCSB is great. You will excel at either one.