<p>I'm planning on staying at the new Village apartments on campus for transfer students, but I also wanted to bring my car. Parking permits cost $550, does any one have any idea if there is space off campus, but close by, preferably near the ERC building/Rady School of Management?</p>
<p>I’m in the same exact situation, but the people I know at UCSD doesn’t know of any place that are exactly a good convenient walking distance. I’m hoping others on this forum will know better. By the way, is that $550 for the entire year and it applies to weekends and nights, right?</p>
<p>[Annual</a> Parking Permits for Students](<a href=“http://www.ucsd.edu/current-students/student-life/parking-and-transportation/permits/annual-parking.html]Annual”>http://www.ucsd.edu/current-students/student-life/parking-and-transportation/permits/annual-parking.html)</p>
<p>550$ is for 9 months for the annual… but I do not think its includes nights and weekends which would be another $172 per year</p>