Do you think I could get into UC San Diego or UCLA with a 1400 SAT and 4.0 (unweighted)/4.195 (weighted) GPA? I’m a military child, so I have different activities, none longer than 2 yrs except for cello and swimming (JV freshmen year, and varsity sophomore and junior) for 3-4 years now. I’m currently an officer for a volunteer club at my school, and I was an officer for bioengineering club for 2 yrs until I moved. I’m going to take the bio and lit SAT subject test in December as well.

UC GPA? https://rogerhub.com/gpa-calculator-uc/

Intended major?

unweighted is 3.9, weighted is 4.1
my intended major is neuroscience/anatomy or biology

Freshman admits with UC GPA if 3.80-4.19
UCLA: 14%
UCSD: 39%

These numbers do not take into account your test scores, essays and EC’s along with you moving due to parents military service. UCSD is possible but UCLA will be a tough admit.

Make sure you add some Match and safety schools such as UCI/UCD/UCSB/UCSC and/or UCR.
Good luck.