DD got accepted on Nov. 3rd; still waiting on Honors decision.
Wondering, if anyone got into Honors program yet?
Not yet. I saw that in previous years it lagged by a few weeks, so maybe this Friday. Waiting on merit too.
Really hope so. Last year’s thread showed some Honors acceptances before Thanksgiving, was hoping the same this year too.
Portal says merit in January and honors by Feb. so it may be longer than we expected.
For us, portal always said that from the day DD got acceptance.
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My D24 was accepted 11/22 and no word on honors or merit. My D21 was accepted in early Nov and heard about merit ($17K/year) and honors about two weeks later.
Hope we hear something on merit and honors today! Waiting on that before we schedule a trip to tour.
No update for us today. Seems like we have to wait for a little bit longer.
Same. Maybe next Friday.