UDelaware vs. SUNY Binghamton

<p>So, I feel accomplished to have narrowed down my search by now, and figured it'd be easy..but it has been anything but. I looked at UDel yesterday and fell in love..it's gorgeous, it seems to have great programs, and it really captured the true traditional college experience. However, Delaware has a 56% acceptance rate, compared to Binghamton's 39%, and I've been wondering if when applying for a job, or grad/pre-professional school if it makes a difference on your resume to say that you're from Del or Bing. Are the academics THAT much better at Binghamton? I know they say that you shouldn't base your college on its aesthetics, but Binghamton isn't the, lets say, nicest campus. The energy at Delaware was very contagious..so I need input/advice! :D</p>

<p>Academically, very few people will distinguish–both are mid-tier state flagships (or pseudo/co-flagship, in Bing’s case). If you like UDel better than Bing on a subjective basis, AND you can afford the price, go for it.</p>