Hi! So I’m a junior and I’m not sure what my GPA is but let’s say it’s a 4.0 because it should be somewhere around there… I got a 1630 on my PSAT which I know SUCKSSSSSS but that was also before I took any classes or anything so I’m hoping I’ve improved since then (fingers crossed). I haven’t taken the actual SAT or ACT yet. I’m in national honor society, science national honor society, math honor society, key club (I will be the secretary next year), and fighting against cancer club. I’ve taken mostly all honors classes my freshman and sophomore year and this is my first year taking AP’s (since my school doesn’t let you start taking them until you’re a junior). This year I take 3 AP classes. I’m in the top 16% of my class and I’ve heard they only look at the top 10%… Is this true?! Last summer I went to the UF SJI which is a journalism camp at UF and this summer I am going again. Will this increase or help my chances of being accepted to the college?? Also, I have three relatives that have gone to UF, will this be taken into consideration especially of one donates money to the alumni association?
Thank you so much for reading!! Hope to get comments soon!!!
I’m also in Spanish honor society.
The average SAT score at UF is over 1900. Obviously the admit students who have less that that, but you should really push for at least 1800.
I recently visited after I applied (currently a senior) and in the info session they said that if you don’t apply by Nov. 1, your chances are greatly decreased because they fill most of their spots with the applicants who applied earlier. I applied in mid December, got an 1810 on my SAT, 27 on my ACT, and have around a 3.8 GPA, with lots of EC’s and I’m OOS and i got my acceptance a few days ago. I’m ninth in my class out of around 50, which does not put me in the top 10% of my class.
Were you accepted? @butleraa133
Ok, thank you so much and congrats! Go Gators!
What do you need help with?
You need to take the SAT/ACT. Plan on taking it again in the fall. UF will super score your SAT scores, so it’s to your advantage to take the test at least twice.
Going to SJI doesn’t in itself help your chances. However, it does express your interest in UF (which does matter, and one reason you should also do the tour), and it’s a solid EC over the summer. Having a legacy (family that attend) also helps your chances a small bit.
You really need to focus on keeping your GPA high, doing well on the test, working on the essay over the summer (the essay is important at UF), and keeping up on your ECs…oh…and try to have some fun. 
Good Luck!