<p>I've just been accepted to U of Florida's SSTP research program this summer. I've also applied to UC Davis's Young Scholar's Program and COSMOS, and may apply to UCSB's RMP program. The thing is, I need to be completely done with SSTP forms by April 22nd, but Davis-YSP and COSMOS decisions don't come out until pretty late April.</p>
<p>Does anyone know how prestigious and selective UF's SSTP program really is, or how it is in comparison to YSP or COSMOS? Would anyone out there take the risk of declining the SSTP offer to wait for the other programs :O?
Or, better yet, has anyone been to SSTP and would like to very briefly share ><?</p>
<p>Thanks :D!</p>
<p>i got in too! but i didn’t receive an email or packet yet…i called them this morning and found out. </p>
<p>but i’m wondering the same thing. any info from past participants would really help!</p>
<p>How did you (actually, just OP, on a second reading) find out…? I applied too, but haven’t received anything since I emailed them my activities/honors list (which I forgot to include) and received the confirmation reply email on the 21st.</p>
<p>I got an email from them a few weeks ago that final decisions would be mailed out starting March 21st (or you could call, but too scared of a rejection over phone, I decided not to), and I just received my packet in the mail today.</p>
<p>I’ve been accepted too! :)</p>
<p>I don’t know how you would compare other summer programs. But SSTP is pretty intense. The people I know who have gone say its the best! </p>
<p>I really don’t know much about the other programs you have applied to, but you should focus on which one will be the most rewarding for you. Colleges don’t care if you went to the Ivy League summer camp; they are interested in whether or not you had a stimulating summer developing yourself and your interests.</p>
<p>I’m not one to gamble (plus I have a bias toward SSTP) so I wouldn’t risk having a boring summer unless I thought I wouldn’t be a happy at UF. But if you were accepted to the other programs but chose SSTP, would you regret the decision?</p>
<p>Pick the program you want to go to the most! And maybe call the other programs!</p>
<p>No packet in the mail today… It’s probably just because I finished my app a little later than other people.</p>
<p>I would go to UF-SSTP over the other two because YSP is more expensive (and I’m not a bio guy…) and COSMOS doesn’t seem to go as deep as the other two.</p>
<p>I received my acceptance packet today, and I’m on the west coast. Anyone know how selective this program is? It seems like such a great experience, but I haven’t heard too much about it…</p>
<p>Only about 100 people are accepted each year. UF is becoming more selective each year (the average gpa for freshman is 4.0+). So I would think SSTP would be along the same lines.</p>
<p>All the people I know who have gone are very smart, very motivate people. A '09 alumnis has been accepted by Duke, Standford, and other top schools. </p>
<p>Because so few people attend each year, it’s understandable why the program is relatively unknown. (I never would have found out about it unless my chemistry teacher had told me . . . ) </p>
<p>I asked the only person at my school who has attended SSTP if he would go again if he could. He answered yes immediately and went on to tell me about his experiment which
was so advanced I still have no idea what he said. (This was one of my worries; not knowing enough about science. He said you learn everything there.) </p>
<p>@squigglysquid West coast? Like California? Or like Gulf of Mexico Florida?</p>
<p>Mmmm, thanks for everything, everyone :D!</p>
<p>I think I might just attend, if I can end up planning everything out, since I live all the way in California x_x.</p>
<p>So I found out that someone at my school went to UF-SSTP last year and that she got into Stanford.
(I don’t really know her, though…)</p>
<p>The only reservation that I have about this program is that it conflicts with the last day of our finals, but the school calendar was similar last year, so I guess there should be a way to get around that.</p>
<p>I have an issue as well. </p>
<p>Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part Two comes out July 15th. I always go at midnight to the premiere! Do you think I they would let me go? (I would still participate in all the activities the next day.)</p>
<p>animagusmuggle, you must be my long lost twin. I’m so stoked for Part 2!!! If we both do attend, we’ll have a Harry Potter party on the day it comes out :)</p>
<p>:) That makes me feel so much better. Like I am not as nervous anymore!</p>
<p>Goodness, what you two said :D!
I think the lure of Harry Potter fans going to SSTP might just be enough to make me go… xD.
One quick question though: you don’t get this “Dual Enrollment Credit” thing if you don’t live in Florida, right o.O?</p>
<p>I don’t think so. Unless you went to a Florida school.</p>