UF vs UM

<p>They're both the same price for me, so which one is the better school in terms of research, academics, and pre-med? I want to major in chem.</p>

<p>UM by far; better academics, smaller, more research oriented, ave I’ve heard very good things about the premed program.</p>

<p>UM has a very competitive 7 year med program you may want to look into and there are more opportunities in Miami for research and internships than in Gainesville. UM Is also a school on the rise with lots invested in eye research, the project to end paralysis, and good work on alzheimers. That being said, I know people who have become successful doctors from both and I would recommend thinking about which school would be a better fit for you, because that’s usually the most important thing when it comes to getting a high gpa. Large cosmopolitan city vs traditional college town…</p>