UGA vs Univ of Florida

Agree with this. My DD, an honors student, took the bus regularly. It really wasn’t a problem.

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Sorry we self toured. Stopped students bcuz when you come in from Atlanta you see the towers that ring campus and the students told us they have to take buses to get to class. I know Honors has a great location on campus. Why the campus itself was too large for my daughter that part was appealing. Also that they had urban outfitters was appealing. I also work with multiple UGA parents that love the school but are astonished at the distances across campus as were we when we walked. They are mainly recent Atlanta newcomers from another are of the country.

But if I’m wrong in statement I stand corrected.

I’ve read similar sentiment on here.

Back to my point to OP. When you have two substitutional schools, you really need to visit to make a decision.

My two cents:

My DD is a graduate of the UGA honors program (now a college) and she had a great experience. The honors college really enhances an already excellent education at UGA, and as you’ll see from the raw stats, it has a stronger cohort than UF’s honors program and offers more benefits. That said, both are excellent options. I will chime in, however, to say, I wouldn’t choose UF for business. I think regardless of rankings, Terry offers a superior business education, including in-person classes from freshman year. The honors intro business classes especially were stellar.


Florida law does require all students to take 9 credits during a summer term. There are dozens of ways students do this without actually being in Gainesville or Tallahassee in June and July. There is Maymester where it would be easy to take a 3 credit class in 3 weeks and still be home by June 1. Study abroad for the summer. Internships. I think since covid you can actually do an online class.

People have been complaining about it for a long time but when they actually have to do it, it turns out to be no big deal.

I think if you are going to compare admissions rates at UGA and UF, you should compare OOS admissions to OOS admissions percentages. My kids went to high school in north Florida and I don’t there there were any kids who went to UGA or GAtech. It was more of a money thing.

There are some kids that don’t want to bus. That was the point. Not that it’s bad. Different kids like different thing. My SEC son has a bus that comes to his apartment. But would rather walk the 25 mins or bike. Was simply saying many bus. Not making judgement….

I feel like everyone is dancing around the real issue. Nobody looks good in orange.


Isn’t there a huge financial incentive for people that can get in OOS to stay home?

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Excellent point! And their football team sucks.


No one was making any judgment. I stated simple facts re my DD’s experience.

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Interesting question - I think if you are instate for either - the financial value to stay at your respective instate flagship school Is very high and not worth paying OOS tuition for the other school.

Maybe you just don’t want to go to college with so many student from your high school ?and your parents can afford OOS tuition and that’s fine even though not the best financial decision.

So what is the better choice if you are OOS for both? UF is technically ranked higher but UGA is up and coming. To me, Athens is better than Gainesville. I think it comes down to fit - after college job prospects are about the same. My DD23 had UGA high on her list and UF was not a consideration. We visited UGA and felt she could get a very big college to feel small. We didn’t visit UF but it just felt ginormous and more difficult to get to/remote.

revisiting this thread after several months more of Florida political news and more financial info regarding my kid.

out of state for both schools. interests are political science and related fields. law school is a possibility.

received $4,000 per year from UF.
received a classic scholarship for UGA (equal to half the difference between in-state and OOS tuition).

And has been accepted to Honors college at UGA but not at UF.

Really I am most interested in the differences (if any) between the students and their overall quality of life, beyond academics.

(Also, regarding using the bus to get around campus at UGA, when we visited my daughter did not find the walking to be overall tedious. but it was a nice day…)

Can’t speak to life at UF because my kids didn’t choose that route, despite getting in with the same scholarship, but one of those did end up at UGA. He’s a sophomore and has never stepped foot on the bus:). He lived on Baxter across from the business school his first year and is walking distance this year. He is a business major and all of his classes from now on will be in the business school which is centrally located. He has a parking pass 2 blocks away for next year. East campus is far away and his engineering friends do end up on the bus though!

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I’m assuming he is happy there at UGA?

Absolutely loves it!

awesome! my daughter is committing as soon as her UGA hoodie comes from Amazon…


Congratulations!!! Go Dawgs!

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My UGA student walks everywhere. He has taken the bus maybe once, and that was to Student Health when he was sick. Otherwise, he speed walks everywhere and gets his cardio in that way. It seldom gets very cold in Athens, though of course August and September are invariably hot and muggy.
Priority registration for Honors is a great perk after the first semester, as they register before anyone else (including before graduate students and seniors!)

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