
<p>See, I've worked hard during all my academic years, getting all A's in high school and graduating in the top 5%. I've also made a decent 1370 SAT score. But now i'm figuring out that colleges don't want me. All the rolling admissions colleges decided to ignore me, and the other private institutions decided to lose some of my application files. So, basically, my academic career ends here, and I'm off to someplace else. My parents say that if I don't get accpeted into a respectable college (top 50) I don't deserve to live in America (I'm international by the way). I'm upset and probably sound like a big loser.</p>

<p>There are plenty of "top 50" schools that would take you with those stats. Where did you apply? What portions are missing from your application? On a thread somewhere is the list of colleges that are still open for applications, and I think some schools have extended their deadlines.</p>

<p>Well.....that was a big "Waaahhhhhhhh!" :(</p>

<p>Big parent hug--with a slap on the back, ie recommend you find out which files are missing and file them PDQ! America and it's top universities are not for the faint of heart, dear. </p>

<p>Persevere! Follow-up! All is not lost. January is not April!</p>

<p>Try some of the top 50 LAC's and hang in there - as cheers says, better days are ahead!</p>

<p>You need to email each school and see what is missing from your files. After that is taken care of, promptly send the missing forms. I would think as an international student, as long as your application is in they will give you time to get the rest of the forms in. Hurry and do this today!!</p>

<p>What rolling admission schools have you applied to? Most rolling schools are still taking applications.</p>

<p>Cheer up, B! Which colleges ignored you, and which ones lost your stuff? If you could give us an idea of where you've applied, somebody might have a suggestion or a referral that could help move you along in the process. I'll bet you haven't exhausted all of your options, and you still have time to pursue some of the colleges on your list. </p>

<p>There may be a few others yet to consider that are not on the "Top 50" list that you have in mind. There is more than one kind of "Top 50" list. Colleges that are not on the list of Top 50 Best Liberal Arts Colleges, for example, may appear on the list of Best Comprehensive Colleges in the US. It could turn into an opportunity for you and your parents to learn about colleges that are not as well known as the ones you already know about. Don't get stuck with just one scenario. </p>

<p>The early round of college apps can be disappointing, especially for international applicants. Just read some of the threads for EA and ED over the past couple of months. It is discouraging, but I guarantee that there are colleges that want you! If you give up right now, I think you'll be ending your search too soon, and a <em>respectable</em> school will end up missing out on the opportunity to include you as an incoming freshman this Fall. :) :::slugghuggs:::</p>

<p>beramod -
"the other private institutions decided to lose some of my application files"
Well, that happened to my son at the top 50 institution his father works at, for heavens sakes. It was corrected with about yesterday with about 6 e-mails, resulting in the HS transcript and GC rec being faxed to the college. Just take care of the problem - files go missing all the time in the deluge of paper - its not just you.</p>

<p>Have you contacted the rolling admissions schools?</p>

<p>I checked back on one of your previous post; if this information is correct, you are currently living in South Carolina. The schools you have listed should all be contacted and have your files checked. Most of these schools will send you a postcard or email to let you know if your file is not complete. What have you heard from these schools? There is no reason for you not to call or email each school yesterday!!</p>

<p><a href="http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/showthread.php?t=5035%5B/url%5D"&gt;http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/showthread.php?t=5035&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>Absolutely--you will be accepted. I am sure you have many choices. Most schools are going to respond in a couple of months so hang in there. Those are very respectable scoresgrades and class rank. I know of many kids with those credentials who have gotten into excellent schools. I would stay away from some of these postings where the kids list their "stats" because it is typically those with the highest scores who want to post them. The rest may keep that info to themselves!
With the missing information, we were told by Emory that it can take several weeks for them to log in all of the information they receive. Since many applications were due Jan 1, it could take a month for all of the bits and pieces to be accounted for on the website. We were told by our college counselor that it is more common than not to be told some things are missing when they have already been sent. Good advice to follow up, but don't assume that the items are "lost."</p>

<p>My son applied to UMich in Oct (online- so he has the confirmation)...and still hasn't heard anything. Is this what you mean by "ignoring"? I'm confused about why you think they are "ignoring" you. </p>

<p>Don't lose hope - it's nowhere near time for that. Grab the reins and take control.....</p>

<p>Beramod--haven't I seen you on the U of Washington site?? Remember, even though the UDub hands out a few acceptances during Dec., it is not a rolling admisssions school and the vast majority of acceptances are not sent out until March or April. Hang in there!</p>

<p>Casey - I do believe that UDub is a rolling admissions school, altho' some may find their apps in limbo until the spring due to comprehensive review (similar to UMich). In '99 and '04, my kids (in-state) had apps in by Dec. 1 and were accepted by Xmas. Every year, my students who send apps early have heard (yea or nay) during Dec. through early Feb. Don't know the status this year of the automatic admit index which makes for quick decisions. I hear rumor that the index is being dropped 05-06 in favor of a more comprehensive process. Budget cuts which have resulted in reduced admissions (in the face of increased applications) is going to lower their 70% admit rate quickly. It's a great school.</p>