Ugliest Campus

<p>I second the person who said BC's campus was beautiful and BU's campus not so much. I will say that parts of BU's campus can be decent, but as a whole it's just buildings in the city. BC is gorgeous. I love Gothic architecture, but if you don't I'd imagine it would seem pretty ugly.</p>



<p>If you think UIC's campus is ugly, head across town to Illinois Institute of Technology. That school's campus is so ugly, it makes UIC look good. And the weird thing is, IIT actually honors the architect of its buildings, Mies Vanderrohe.</p>

<p>I can't believe no one's mentioned Bradley yet, in Peoria, IL. I took a tour of the campus because my mother forced me. It was the most depressing place I looked at. I would have probably jumped to my death off the roof of one of those prison-like buildings if I'd ended up going there.</p>

<p>My brother goes to MIT and he hates the campus, at least in comparison to Duke</p>

<p>whoever said northeastern must be crazy
every single college doesnt need historic looking buildings.. the new modern architecture of the campus is beautiful</p>

<p>I agree about George Washington. It's pretty much an office park, and it's also in a really lousy part of the city. I took one look at the "campus" and didn't bother proceeding. (Fortunately, it wasn't a school I had any real interest in.) American and Georgetown are so much better.</p>

<p>Edit: And I also agree that Northeastern has a lot of charm. It's also very clean, which helps a lot!</p>

<p>Well, I disagree totally about George Washington University. Unlike several of the other city schools mentioned, its city campus is consolidated and includes many historic brownstone type buildings. It has a grassy quad area for outdoor gatherings. It is also in a terrific location a block away from the White House and internships at the State Department and other key offices (as well as a metro stop right on campus). This makes it very convenient to intern during the school day without wasting time or money commuting. I guess some people here don't understand a city campus and have to see green all around them to think a campus is beautiful. In addition, George Washington has a more traditional satellite campus a shuttle ride away in the Mt. Vernon section of the city, for those who prefer that green, quieter type of setting. RoughWinds, your post says it all, you never were interested in the school to begin with and didn't really approach it with an open mind. We looked at both Georgetown and American and preferred George Washington. Unfortunately, Georgetown had planes noisily flying overhead every five minutes and American seemed a bit isolated to us.</p>

<p>MIT has a great campus- and I wouldnt mind waking up looking out my dorm window to see nothing but the Charles River. 4th of July direct view of Fireworks outside the window! Most ALL of the dorms have a direct view of the Charles River! Walk in front of the school to see the beauty of this amazing place and the location in Cambridge!</p>

<p>Drexel Drexel Drexel</p>

<p>I know some people might disagree with me here, but I really disliked Lehigh.</p>

<p>I think Harvey Mudd, in Cali, has a pretty ugly campus. It's like cement and mud. It's quite the contrast to Scripps College, which is across the street and boasts of lush rose bushes/other vegetation.</p>

<p>UMass Amherst was soo hideous.</p>

<p>American looks like it was built by the Soviets.</p>

<p>USC. ewww</p>

<p>Ohio State doesn't have an ugly campus, GatorEng23 (lol at the nickname, not sure why I'm bothering to reply - I think you were just trolling.) I mean... <a href=""&gt;;/a>, <a href=""&gt;;/a> I guess it'd be ugly if you don't like trees.</p>

<p>I don't think GWU is an ugly campus, but it's definitely not a traditional campus so you have to take that into consideration. It has some well designed buildings.</p>

USC. ewww


<p>seconded haha.</p>

<p>The USC buildings looked nice from what I remember.</p>

The entire campus of the University of Illinois at Chicago is built in a style of architecture called Brutalism. It's a concrete jungle, there's very little grass on campus. It's a pretty ugly campus.


<p>Being an architecture major, I have to say I was quite disgusted by Syracuse's campus. Ewwwwwww</p>

<p>Most universities in Illinois have ugly capmuses except U of C and Northwestern.</p>

<p>i hated towson, my parents made me go because we were in the area, we expected to drive around campus but theres no place to drive! that is a serious walking campus from what i saw</p>