Ugliest Campus

<p>MIT has a great campus!</p>

<p>I can't say I've ever visited an ugly college campus. Then again, there's this small college of optometry a few miles from my school that would qualify as one of the ugliest campuses - the every single building is made of concrete in the same style. Ugh.</p>

<p>Heheh, my school, UW-parkside. Surrounded by forest, MAJOR construction going on smack in the middle of campus, and the main dining hall, while open, is also "in progress".</p>

<p>"Most universities in Illinois have ugly capmuses except U of C and Northwestern."</p>

<p>UIUC is actually a really nice college town, I thought. There are a lot of cornfields outside the city, but what else do you expect in Southern Illinois?
And U of C is in a terrible neighborhood. I didn't feel safe there. Northwestern I really liked, though.</p>

<p>University of Vermont has always annoyed me, and now the Davis Center not only caused a couple years of eyesore of construction, now it's a big, huge, multi-billion dollar structure of nothing. They could have easily used existing buildings, and the entrances are all sorts of screwed up. Then the rest of the campus buildings are just plain and ugly, except for a few right up at the hospital, which look like Gothic castles.</p>

<p>Also, I love love love BU... it is part of the city, but some of the buildings are so beautiful. Also, the dorms and housing near Fenway are pretty cool, and the triangle shape of Myles Standish, though it lends itself to some small dorm rooms, is pretty freaking awesome.</p>

<p>I found BC quite boring, then again I think that was less the architecture and more the holier than all attitude among the people.</p>

<p>Also, Middlebury College... middle of nowhere, crappy town with not much in it... nuff said.</p>

And U of C is in a terrible neighborhood.


  1. This is False
  2. What does this have to do with whether the campus is ugly or not?</p>

<p>Drexel wins.</p>

<p>cal state monterey bay.
it's on an abandoned military base...</p>

<p>Anyone been to Howard University in DC? Ugly. The day I visited was rainy and depressing, and my tour guides didn't know what they were doing, so that didn't help. Hate to say, but the whole experience turned me off HBCUs altogether, which I know is unfair.</p>

<p>Cleveland State :)</p>

<p>I thought Bowdoin was ugly. Williams is not much better.</p>

<p>I HATED Emmanuel. Seemed like a wicked run down high school to me. But I do really like the area it is in, but the buildings to me (at least when I visited, I know they were doing construction) were really crappy.</p>

<p>UCLA is pretty big and ugly. So ugly, that they have to justify it with the fact that is based on Westwood.</p>

<p>And no, USC campus is very beautiful.</p>

<p>Really? I actually thought UCLA was pretty nice. It's no Stanford, but it's not bad at all.</p>

<p>MIT. Also, the strange mechanical sounds are a little disturbing... especially when my brother told me they came from the bomb-building next door. I would say he was kidding, but hell, it's MIT...</p>

<p>(My brother goes to MIT, and he loves it, including the campus. I am not a math nerd, though, and prefer something more traditional.)</p>

<p>Drexel, too... though not so much Drexel as the location. I hear the school isn't so bad. (I applied because they sent me a fast application and I wanted a quick acceptance, but now am wondering what I was thinking?)</p>

<p>Well if you dont like the location, then include Penn.</p>

<p>Penn has a really nice campus. What are you smoking? Yes, Philly is bad, but Penn is enough removed from it that you can ignore it. Drexel is the worst I've seen (saw while visiting Penn) didn't look like a college at all from the outside...</p>

<p>I meant the location. Chill out...Oh, and Philly is not 'bad'</p>

i hated towson, my parents made me go because we were in the area, we expected to drive around campus but theres no place to drive! that is a serious walking campus from what i saw


<p>As a Towson alum, I totally agree. The campus is a hodge podge of architecture fads from every period of construction. 1800's to present. The 1970s buildings are the worst. I always pitied the commuter students. Parking was about a mile away at the stadium/athletic complex when the small on-site garages filled up (at about 7:00am).</p>

<p>wow, I liked drexels campus when I visited... Id have to say out of the colleges ive seen, Richard Stockton was just so bland and uninspiring.</p>

<p>Hands down, Fordham LC.
Absolutely hideous.</p>