<p>well, not really but...
my two week old mac won't charge.
do i bring it to the apple store in the cornell store?
i have the warranty& stuff; idk what the policy is.</p>
<p>are there any apple stores in college town?
i know the cstore is closed tomorrow& want to get this problem fixed asap</p>
<p>the closest apple store is in Syracuse…you can search for stores on their website. so you will need to be patient. that said, I had good luck getting my computer fixed through the Cornell store.</p>
<p>huh, i knew i was reaching just a liiiiitle too far in asking for an apple store in collegetown…</p>
Hahaha… If your stuff is still under warranty, call Apple cust. service, and I’m sure they’ll send you a box, and take care of it. It wouldn’t take that long too if they know what’s going on.</p>
no, actually the closest apple repair store is by the ithaca airport (believe me…ive been there so many times they know me by name). the cornell store brings the broken computers over there. no need to go to syracuse</p>
<p>Have you tried to use a different cord to charge your Mac? It may not be your Mac, but the cord is broken.</p>
<p>Where exactly is that Apple repair by the Ithaca airport? Is there a phone number you can post? My daughter is also having problems with her mac and was going to drive to Syracuse, but closer would be much better!
<p>I’m going to guess it is this place</p>
<p>[The</a> Computing Center - Ithaca, NY](<a href=“Home | Synergy IT Solutions”>Home | Synergy IT Solutions)</p>
<p>I was just talking about regular Apple stores, like where they have lots of iPads out to look at and you check out using their neat little gadgets. I guessed that’s what the OP was hoping for. there are definitely closer places that will repair an Apple product (and The Computing Center is a good one, I agree.)</p>
<p>do any of you know anyone selling used Macs?</p>
<p>thanks for posting the link usafadad!</p>
<p>the staff is great and they are so helpful!</p>
<p>and faustarp, the OP was looking for a place to repair their mac, not necessarily buy more products. plus, cornell sells A LOT of apple stuff and usually you can order products online through apple and get a student discount</p>