Uh oh, more trouble

<p>Just what is going on at UW?</p>

<p>TROUBLE</a> AT A UNIVERSITY.; Charges Made Against Wisconsin Authorities b... - Article Preview - The New York Times</p>

<p>Published: November 12, 1905</p>

<p>you’re almost 105 years late, nova. but thanks! :D</p>

<p>Wow, hilarious. 1905? Thanks for the laugh novaparent. Better luck next time in your attempts to ■■■■■.</p>

<p>I thought UW folks had a sense of humor!</p>


<p>That’s better. Just trying to be friends. I know you think I’m all over UW all the time, but I just think it could do better!</p>

<p>There is no place that can’t do better. Uva could use a better faculty and and less of the Ivy reject prester reputation. UW is working on its problems with great efforts. Not so sure about uVa. It tried and failed to attract top sceince facutly so it scrapped the program after spending $20 Million to attract ONE professor who ended up never coming to uVA. That was a hoot. I don’t see them changing the weathy preppie look much either. It is at the heart of what UVa is.</p>

<p>It certainly can do better, yet at the same time you know as well as I do that ■■■■■■■■ on a website picking apart minor issues about the campus is doing absolutely nothing to achieve these improvements you supposedly seek. If you are THAT concerned about issues at UW-Madison, you are wasting your time bringing them up to the individuals here who can do next to nothing to bring about these changes. This is a select group, and a rather small one at that, when you view the long-term aspects of fixing a problem. Ever since I found this forum, I’ve seen you do literally nothing expect bring up useless and ancient polls and opinions about how UW can improve. It is clear your intentions are to do nothing but gather as much attention as possible (you’ve succeeded quite well, evidently…) and ■■■■■ a helpful community that you have no ties to whatsoever. You are doing more harm than help, and you know it. UW-Madison is a fantastic school and despite its minor flaws, it will continue to thrive with its surrounding community, students, and faculty, with or without your constant griping.</p>

<p>It COULD do “better.” Anyone, anywhere, any campus, can ALWAYS do “better.” Taking shots and presenting biased poll results and completely isolated incidents of error are utterly meaningless to anyone here, so if you want a change, go make it in a manner that actually benefits somebody. Regardless of whatever random ■■■■■■■■ you continue to execute, I’m glad I’ve been given the opportunity to attend an amazing university, flaws and all.</p>

<p>No, barrons, it’s the heart of what YOU think U-Va is because of the chip you have on your shoulder about the University for whatever reason. Every school in America other than the Ivy League is full of “Ivy League rejects,” U-Va included, but you know full well that U-Va attracts many more cross applicants to the Ivies than UW does and snags more students than UW who turn an Ivy down. You also know that the caliber of out of state students at U-Va is as strong as any school in the country, certainly stronger than UW’s; in fact, Virginia residents find it easier to get into UW and even UMichigan from out of state than they do getting into U-Va from IN state.</p>

<p>That UMich and U-Va consistently outperform UW on attracting out of state students despite charging a lot more money for them to attend speaks volumes about UW’s position in the pecking order. UW needs to try harder to attract top students if it truly aspires to be a “peer” of either school. More than anything else, this means improving on diversity and improving financial aid. </p>

<p>Anyway, I really was only tryng to lighten the mood here with this thread.</p>

<p>The ■■■■■ keeps throwing bait out there, and people keep going for it. <em>sigh</em></p>

<p>I don’t mean to be a ■■■■■, honest. I just think it’s important that the information provided on this board be accurate. UW is second to none at the graduate level, but at the undergraduate level it doesn’t quite rank among the best state schools in the country. It’s not Berkeley; it’s not Michigan; it’s not Virginia; it has trouble getting its students to graduate on time; it’s not diverse; there are frictions on campus between coasties and sconnies; and it’s terrible with financial aid. </p>

<p>If I’ve said anything here that’s untrue I’d welcome substantive reactions – not merely to be written off as a ■■■■■.</p>

<p>At this point your responses are just plain funny novaparent. Honestly lol. You’re making my day at work go by a lot quicker, so thanks;)</p>

<p>By the way, you are probably the most persistent ■■■■■ I’ve ever seen on the various forums I look at. Of course, maybe you’d go away if people would stop responding to the bait you put out in the form of various “issues” at UW. Unfortunately, people here can’t seem to help but respond to your posts.</p>

<p>edit: Of course, people wouldn’t have to worry about responding if the moderators would just ban you, which should have been done a long time ago.</p>

<p>■■■■■ or no ■■■■■, they wouldn’t respond if there weren’t truth to what I am saying. But I’ll take a break for now, and return in the fall to this site when those who matter – the prospective class of 2015 (or, given its graduation rates, in UW’s case more likely 2016 or 2017) – start seeking opinions. Need to make sure that a balanced view point is provided.</p>



<p>Did you really just say that? People will respond to false allegations even if there is no truth to them. If someone stated that triangles had four sides, I would respond telling them they have three. My response doesn’t indicate there is any truth to the other person’s statement.</p>

<p>Enjoy your break ■■■■■ (hopefully the mods here will ban you and make it permanent, but aside from closing one thread they have been completely inactive in the face of obvious ■■■■■■■■. Not good for the forum).</p>

<p>A parting clip on how UW might better improve its ability to provide decent financial aid:</p>

<p>[Video</a> - Breaking News Videos from CNN.com - Value of an education](<a href=“http://www.cnn.com/video/data/2.0/video/us/2010/05/12/foreman.bua.value.of.ed.cnn.html]Video”>http://www.cnn.com/video/data/2.0/video/us/2010/05/12/foreman.bua.value.of.ed.cnn.html)</p>

<p>“Accountability and attention to detail can make education affordable…”</p>


<p>And fatuous. Though, I am jealous they can get a story like this on CNN. </p>

<p>Anyone know which PR firm UVA uses?</p>

<p>Why aren’t you writing on other college forums? I’m sure the Columbia forum has plenty of pro-Columbia biased folks. Until you start posting on every school in order to help provide well rounded information, you are not simply trying to provide better info to all.</p>



<p>Agreed. </p>



<p>It’s arbitrary, but I would say UVA, UW, and UNC are similar academically for undergrads. Only Berkeley, MI, and UCLA are on their own plane. </p>






<p>False. It’s lame that you bring this up again. It’s just not true. And you can’t possibly have more knowledge/experience about it than me–you live in VA. </p>



<p>True, but it’s also extremely cheap tuition. </p>



<p>Tell me why you bring up all the negative info you can about UW-Madison but NOT about other colleges (according to your post history). It’d be fine if you simply wanted to present more holistic information in college forums across the USA. That’s not your agenda.</p>



<p>Not only do you not *need *to do anything, you think you help with that? Constantly posting nothing but erroneous, outdated, and generally over-exaggerated information doesn’t do that, hate to break it to you.</p>

<p>It’s much easier to offer more aid to some when only 20% of the students even need any. Also UW gives $10,000 to every student by costing that about much less than UVa for OOS students. all UVa does is take some tuition money from all the rich students and give it to the few poors on campus. Genius. But illegal in Wisconsin where tuition cannot go to fin aid. </p>

<p>Also the only school on those lists I see a gap with overall is UCB. UCLA UW is very close with in most measures including faculty quality. Same with UM. UW faculty and facilities easily are better than UVa and UNC. The major advantages UVa and UNC have is much smaller freshmen classes which allows them to show higher student averages. If UW cut-off at its best 3500 -4000 freshmen it’s average would be very similar to UVa and better than UNC. There are just as many top students at UW as at either UVa or UNC or even UCLA which takes just over 4000 I believe. UW just takes more people for Ag, teaching and other majors attracting the more average students. That is part of its mission as the land grant school for the state.</p>

<p>A portion of the Madison Initiative surcharge does go to financial aid for other students.</p>