Uh oh, more trouble

<p>Good to hear, a need met but most still making use of other choices.</p>

<p>Sorry wis75 but there’s no requirement that I back up my opinions with my resume or personal details. My opinions speak for themselves. </p>

<p>“For those not getting into either flagship but still wanting a 4 year degree starting out of town gives a better college experience than MATC.” Better from whose perspective – yours or theirs? Who are you to opine on whether the experience of a total stranger is “better” at one school or another?</p>

<p>“Most still making use of other choices?” “Most Catholics would choose Marquette?” How do you know what “most” people are up to? What’s your secret?</p>

<p>And I’m condescending. Yea, right.</p>

<p>UW closely monitors the performance of transfers compared to those starting at UW. They have not found a big difference in actual classroom perfomance.</p>

<p>I think wis75 may be saying (and I agree based on what I have observed), that people who are from Madison and the surrounding area whose children attend Madison or Middleton public or private high schools know from experience that of the graduating seniors in any particular class, between those who choose Edgewood College or Marquette, more choose Marquette.</p>

<p>Madison85, it’s hardly a profound observation – and certainly not one that requires you to be from Wisconsin to make – that students with a choice between Marquette and Edgewood are likely to choose Marquette. Marquette has a better reputation and generally speaking students with a choice between two schools will choose the better school. The same applies when Catholics choose between Catholic schools.</p>

<p>But this doesn’t necessarily mean that more kids from Madison/Middleton go to Marquette than Edgewood, and the available numbers raise a real question whether this is true. Nearly two-thirds of Marquette students are from out of state – only 600 or 700 in each entering class are from Wisconsin. Surely at least a few hundred of these in state students are from Milwaukee and its suburbs (it’s the largest metropolitan area in the state by far and where the school is located), and this doesn’t leave more than a few hundred spots for the rest of the state, including Madison. Edgewood is certainly much smaller than Marquette, but it’s also overwhelmingly in state, largely local, and has much lower admissions standards. All this suggests that the number of Madison/Middleton high school students attending Marquette versus Edgewood is probably more even than you think. </p>

<p>You don’t need to have the experience of being from Wisconsin to reach this conclusion -we have the same internet out here that you do and can do the same math.</p>

<p>I often thought Beloit should have moved to Madison many years ago. The biggest negative for the school is the location–in Beloit. It would be far more attractive if it were in Madison. I actually did a paper on the economic impact/benefits of such a move while in school. I’d have put it right where Edgewood is.</p>



<p>On its roof or burrowed underneath?</p>

<p>Beloit’s a very good school.</p>

<p>The beauty of economics is you can assume anything first. Actually at the time Edgewood was a struggling small college without much idenitiy so buying it out would not have been impossible. Many similar small colleges have folded over the years including Milton in Wisconsin.
If Beloit were in Madison I think it could compete better with Kenyon, Carleton, Grinnell etc as one of the top small midwestern LACs.</p>

<p>Maybe, but remember that both Kenyon and Grinnell are located in the middle of absolutely nowhere. At Beloit has a little something going on.</p>

<p>In this case less may be more. Being in a dying old industrial city with crime issues is hard to turn into a positive. Being in a village or small farm town at least lacks the threat of crime and the surrounding by urban decay. Never been to Kenyon but have been to Grinnell a few times and it’s an OK little town. If it were closer to Iowa City or Des Moines it would not be bad at all.</p>

<p>Conclusion- nova is feeding on our attention. His/her opinions and knowledge are inconsequential but we are giving them life…</p>

<p>Conclusion: it irks wis75 when nova challenges her condescension and superiority complex so she writes nova off as being of no consequence.</p>