UIC GPPA Class of 2025

I emailed Dr. Amiri, she said that there is no waitlist.

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Wait so people have heard back already :cold_sweat:

I think your friend might be lying or talking about a different program?

HI okay I am so sorry I think this person (the one who said they are waitlisted) is either lying or confused. I hope I haven’t caused anyone any stress, I am so sorry.

yep I think so too. he’s not even my friend I heard this from a mutual friend. why’s my school so toxic

No you’re fine :sweat_smile: it is not your fault if another dude is lying/confused

Let me guess… Starts with a ‘s’ and ends with a ‘n’

Did she say when results might be coming out?

close but no cigar

or its imsa

She said it was supposed to come out today and that the honors college would distribute results

Hm okay maybe soon :sweat_smile:

But I feel like it might get pushed to tomorrow since its already late.

nah im not that smart. if you really wanna know pm me (is that possible on here? i literally just made an acc today)

Im so anxious, what about you guys

So nervous that I literally started emailing gppa and made a college confidential account within like 5 min

Just curious, what day did you email her?

Like 10 mins ago

I emailed her since she was my interviewer and might know some info

last email i got from the honors college came at around 8 pm, but idk if that’s any indication as to when results may come out

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