UIC GPPA Class of 2025

@Hairydoctor247 join the club, @gracewins and i had her too

Oh, did she respond that quickly? That’s pretty interesting

IMSA is not toxic lol. Trust me. I went to Fremd, and that place was toxic. No shade tho

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Welp, it’s 6:00 :neutral_face: nothing yet

So I looked through my emails and I got my honors college acceptance email at like 8:00 pm, was y’all’s around the same time and do you think they’ll go that late?

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Yeah mine was at 8 pm too

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I got in!!

yay! me too!!

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Me too

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Congrats everyone :smiley:

We should make a PM group to chat :grin:

Yes we should!! You wanna start one?


I got in too!

i got in too!

Congratssssss so happy for u guys!!!

I didn’t :confused: anyone else get interviewed by Mr.Beverly? I’m just curious.

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I got in too! Can you pm the group?

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I didn’t get in. I’ve literally been crying all night. This was my dream school. Now I’ll probably have to go to a crappy school, most likely UIUC.

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UIUC is actually a really good school and ranked much higher than UIC. UIUC is often considered a public Ivy because it has such a strong science department and sports. Last I check UIUC is a T50 school and UIC isn’t even top 100

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Sameee. Really wanted this, but I mean I guess everything happens for a reason.