UIC GPPA Class of 2026

I emailed there associate dean of admissions : Stacy McLeod . I was surprised to get a response. She said it was initial list that was sent out. She is waiting from the council if any additional candidates will be selected. It will take some time. So be patient. … I don’t know what to make out of that response… may be she is just nice and doesn’t want me to feel bad.


what email address did you email?

Applicants last year were given interview on different dates so there may still be a chance to receive an interview. If so, most likely by the end of the week.

Hi Everyone, Please post once you receive email for interview date.

Oh ok thanks ! How did you find that out ?

No problem, this is what I heard.

Were they given the interview on different dates or the interview invitations? Sorry, ambiguous language. Also, my counselor has said that GPPA sends interview invitations multiple times in one admission cycle, usually through February.

They received the interview invite on different dates. Not all of the applicants received the email on the same day.


Received a interview date this morning!


for med or dental?


same… received interview date this afternoon


Congrats on the important step of getting an interview and wishing you all the best in your individual interviews.


I received an II but haven’t gotten an interview date email yet. I wonder if they are rolling them out based on some random sorting

just finished med interview. questions were very unexpected, but my best advice would be to try to talk about areas which you’re passionate and knowledgeable about.



Hello redbrickroad,
Could you share who your interviewer was and what’s your UG major?

What kinds of questions were you asked?

sure! im majoring in neuroscience, and I was interviewed by Dr. Chambers

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i’m pretty sure we’re not allowed to be specific, but I will say that it was nothing I prepped for. i wasn’t asked any traditional questions (tell me abt yourself, etc.) but I think that may vary between interviews. best advice still remains what I mentioned above :slight_smile:

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