UIC GPPA Class of 2026


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Just got an interview

Thank you.

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Are the interview requests via phone call or email ?

An interview invite or the interview date?

med is through email. a zoom link is also attached

Are any of y’all going to commit to UIC?

Has anyone got the Pharmacy interview?

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@lizzywizzy have you had your interview yet? if so how did it go? Also did you hear if there are any other dental interviews going out.

I heard from a friend in gppa med but apparently some doctors who are conducting these interviews are behind on getting their application results sent out. hopefully its the same for dental!

does anyone know how the interview order or how who your interviewer is determined for medical scholars. Am more towards the end so was wondering

I am not sure, but if they go alphabetically that’d make sense (my last name starts with c)

apparently not alphabetic as I know some people after my alphabet. Was just more curiosity but will try not to overthink it. Seems like a really good program based on the info session. Just hope Dr C. doesn’t retire soon as he seems to be a pillar of the program

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When did you get an email with your interview date and time? I got an interview invite but haven’t heard about my time yet.

got the invite last Friday.

yup, i have! it went well :slight_smile: not sure about other interviewees :frowning:

I have my interview for GPPA BS/MD on Tuesday (today’s Sunday) - any advice? And is the whole thing about Dr. Chambers being an easier interviewer true or just a myth? Really hoping to get in because it’s my first choice.

I’ve heard that is a myth

all MD interviews will be done this week ?

Yes I believe so.