UIC Honors - what are my chances?

Hello CC,

So I’m freaking out because even though I already got into UIC for Computer Science over 2 weeks ago, I have not yet been sent an email to come interview for the honors program. All my friends who applied much later than I did have already gotten their emails and I can’t tell if UIC has put me on some sort of waitlist. Here are my stats:

3.86 GPA out of 5 (kind of low due to a family issue, but I informed UIC of this when I applied through the Common App)
34 ACT
Captain of a Hackathon team
VP of an entrepreneurship club at school
Coordinator of FBLA
Peer Tutor
Over 300 service hours
Did an internship for almost a year
Was a lifeguard over a summer

Even though my GPA isn’t necessarily great, I can potentially increase it to just above a 4.0 after this semester. I think everything else should ideally help pull me up, but I’m not so sure anymore. Thoughts?


For those of you wondering why my GPA doesn’t really match my ACT: I had some family issues during Junior year which I have already addressed in my Common App to UIC. Do they really care about something like that or do they actually read through the additional info I put in my application?

You should get an interview. I think they may have sent honors interviews first to people applying to gppa.

Ull get in honors, as long as ur not overly annoying in the interview