
<p>Should I do undecided or Computer Science</p>

<p>Taking 2 AP classes(first ones) and 1 honors class(first one too)
AP Psych and AP Computer Science</p>

<p>GPA Unweighted 3.1
GPA Weighted ~5.01 (out of 8)</p>

<p>ACT 20
English 21
Math 18
Reading 20
Science 21</p>

<p>EC's activities
Tech Leader
Engineering Club</p>

First generation going to college</p>

<p>UIC: Reach (aim for 24+/1700+)</p>

<p>ok but should i do undecided or computer science major because im taking the ACT in september hopefully i get over 24</p>

<p>Also have taking 3 year of PLTW classes
Have earned 2 college credits of the 2 that was offered</p>

<p>Bump! (10 char)</p>