UIUC Computer Science Deferred

I was recently deferred from UIUC computer science, is this a sign that I will not likely get admitted, similar to how Ivy league schools function, or is it still a decent chance I could get in?

For computer science in the college of engineering, the admission is exceedingly competitive, and I think that many kids who applied for the one of the Top 4(Stanford, CMU, MIT, Berkeley, maybe even Caltech and Cornell) and got deferred/rejected will consider UIUC’s CS program.

I think the vast majority of CS applicants were deferred.

Being deferred means you are still being considered for CS Eng. As indicated above it is one of the hardest programs into which to be admitted. Last year, more than half the engineering applicants deferred EA were admitted regular admission although many not to their first choice major.

Almost same situation - my son was deferred for Computer Engineering. He’s out of state. I’m guessing this is as good as a denial for that program (he didn’t identify a second choice major). He’s into his state school for CE and his parent’s alma mater for CE as well - so he’ll be fine - these are good schools. But UIUC is better . . . I just can’t see pulling his hair out waiting, missing opportunities for good dorms, etc., for an invitation to a dance that isn’t likely to come . . .

We’re in state. Last year my son was deferred for Computer Engineering during EA but was then accepted for Computer Engineering during RD. Good luck!