UM Visit - campus

<p>I just visiting the campus and was wondering -did I miss something? There was no town/area surrounding the campus that students ycan really walk to and hang out at like other Florida campuses I also visited (EX: Univ of Florida). Its eemed that you had to travel to Coconut Grove just to congregate. How far in walking distance is Sunset Place. What types of places do they have there?</p>

<p><a href=""&gt;;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>Sunset is about a mile down RT 1 and is a great outdoor mall with lots of shops, restaurants and a movie theater. The HurryCane shuttles run to both Coconut Grove and Sunset (also Crandon Beach) so even if kids don't have a car, they have no trouble getting around. Many kids will also get together and share cabfare to South Beach.</p>

<p>UM is not in a college town atmosphere but is rather in a more metropolitan area with lots of attractions and activities. If you're looking for that college town feel, UM may not fit the bill but if you want a great school in an area with a lot to offer, UM is a great choice.</p>

<p>Sunset is much closer than a mile... you can easily walk there. And like my-3-sons said, the shuttles are a great option. UM isn't in a college town and if that's what you're really looking for then it might not be the place for you. But if you don't care that much, you'll love it. There's soooo so so soo much more to do in Miami than in Gainesville</p>

<p>They're right, Miami is definitely not a college town. (I'm a freshman currently in the process of transferring out and thought I would look at this page to see if I could answer anyone's questions) Sunset is very close and my friends without cars walk there all the time; however you will find it is usually completly overtaken with high school kids because its the only place they can hang out around Coral Gables. The grove is where you hang out most weekends, but if you're not really into clubbing you might not have too much fun there. There is so much to see and do in Miami and it is such a great experience, but if you're looking for a more laid back, college town atmosphere (like I am) I would look elsewhere.</p>

<p>jerseygirl: Is that the only reason you are transferring?</p>

<p>Yeah, I'd like to know why you are transferring as well.</p>

<p>me too 10 charrrr</p>

<p>their dorms suck</p>