Umass amherst or binghamton pre health

How is the prehealth at amherst compared to pre health at binghamton? or Uconn? any websites for this information or any first hand knowledge will definately be helpful.

i dont know about uconn. but believe umass is better for engineering and nursing . i would go with u bing because of research and smaller school. anyone else wants to take a shot at this?

If you are asking about which of these 3 universities is better for “premed” (i.e., you are going to apply to med school), the answer is they are all equally good. The each have good premed requisite courses and electives. Pick the school that is least expensive and where you feel most comfortable after visiting. Save your money for med school. But if you are asking about which offers more options for health care careers when you graduate, you should select the school that has the most broad range of course offerings in the pre health areas. You will need to go into the websites of each of these schools to see what they each offer. Binghamton is a much smaller school than UMass and UConn so the amount of course offerings and major and minors will likely be less than the other two. The negative about Binghamton and other SUNYs is that they are all smaller (except Buffalo) and none offers as much as the other state flagships. My guess is that SUNY Buffalo or Stony Brook provide more prehealth course offerings than Binghamton.

Another thought–Perhaps one of the three schools you mention will have better prehealth research or internship possibilities–you would need to inquire about that. Finally, if graduate school (med school or other health care profession) is in your plans and if you are a Resident of Massachusetts or Connecticut, go there because UMass and UConn have medical schools and other graduate schools for health professions and if you do well at the undergraduate level you may have an admissons edge for graduate school there— and the cost for being an in-state resident will be less.

BInghamton is OK. Not amazing but people still go to med school ect. Stony brook and buffalo have better programs for prehealth but many choose binghamton over them for various reasons. UMass and Uconn is OK as well, probably better than bing but NOT worth paying out of state tuition for. If cost is the same, I would probably go with Uconn, followed by UMass and then bing but it does come down to personal preference.

@sprinkles12 why? would you go to umass over bing? per @trackmbe3 if research oportunities is key wouldnt less grad school students make research availability more for undergrad? also umass i thght was better for eng and cs. thoughts>

@comom25 It’s not that much of a difference, its is just that if the cost is the same Umass is bigger, has more programs and slightly better funding. I think you can also take classes at some of the surrounding liberal arts schools.

Start from Cost Effective college, Study hard. University of Binghamton, please.

@Educationfather It’s Binghamton University or SUNY Binghamton.

@trackmbe3 goes by either… its part of the SUNY system

thanks all…UB does sound like a good match bec I want to go to research as thats now req for med.
thinking UMASS is wonderful for GRAD studies which means the first aailability for research is going to be taken by Grad students. stonybrook is a huge preed school so too much cut throat comp. UCONN and BING. still lookin.

guys whats the negatives of binghamton?