UMass Boston Transfer Chances

<p>Hi everyone! I'm applying to transfer for Fall 2013 from a university in the top 150 in the entire world at which I have been very unhappy. I would love to go to school in Massachusetts (my state of residence) and am looking to apply to UMass either for the full duration or to transfer out of as I just withdrew from my university. </p>

<p>I'd love to know what the community thinks my changes of acceptance are.</p>

<p>Here are my stats:</p>

<p>In-State resident</p>

High School GPA: 3.0
SAT: 1990 CR 710 M 630 W 650
SAT II: Literature 750
ACT: 32
University GPA: above a 3.0, unsure because we use percentages, mine is 90%</p>

Research at MIT
Research at BU
Co-captain of sports team
JV Ski
Theatre Tech (9-10)
Journalism (capped out as the senior editor of the school newspaper)</p>

<p>Special skills, etc:
Piano 15 years
Ballet 10 years
Fluent speaker of three languages with proficiency in two more </p>

<p>I have great recommendations from high school and university, and my GPA is solid, at my University a 70% is considered a good grade and an 80 is exceeding expectations according to our university handbook. A failure is 50 or lower, so I've done well I think.</p>

<p>But I am still worried I will not be accepted. What do you think? :(</p>