<p>Verbal: 560
Math: 600
Writing: 630
Essay: 10 ......UMD only accepts verbal and math, which combined is 1160.</p>
<p>gpa: 88/ 3.5-3.6
AP classes, honors classes
excellent recommendations (hopefully) from 2 teachers, guidance counselor, and an alumni.</p>
<p>my extracirriculars are well rounded and consistent through 4 years.</p>
<p>I applied in early october and am still waiting to hear back. Do my chances look good?</p>
<p>I have also applied to...</p>
<p>University of Delaware
Towson University
University of Virginia (a reach, i know)
Catholic University - got in
American University
Penn State - got in, not to University Park
James Madison University
Rutgers - got in
Rider - got in</p>
<p>feel free to comment on the others as well! please, be as honest as possible !</p>
<p>UD is not in the same ball park as UMD, nor is Towson, Catholic, American, and probably JMU. </p>
<p>Rutgers is a great college and if you are from NJ, take that over paying OOS for UMD and def over Towson, UD, Catholic, and Penn State</p>
<p>UMD is now known as a public Ivy. The Engineering and Business schools are reknown. UVA is also a public Ivy…for VA residents it is incredibly hard(VA resident)…look for a 2100+ OOS with a solid A avg taking the hardest course load. UVA for acceptance is the equivalent of DUKE for an OOS. </p>
<p>To really get a feel of chances and if you are from OOS I started a thread…try and get that roling to see your comp.</p>
<p>Good luck…remember the only way of not getting in is by not applying :)</p>
<p>Also, you said you’re still waiting to hear…you won’t hear from UMD admissions until mid-February (the website says “by” March 1). It is not rolling admissions.</p>
<p>thanks for answering! i know it has become extremely competitive and my chances of getting in are slim but unfortantley this school is really my only option. I’m hoping to go into politics, so being only 30 minutes from the nation’s capitol is something i hold very high in college criteria. I’ve heard of numerous people getting in with either higher sat scores but lower gpa, or higher gpa with same sat scores, etc. i’m still holding out hope!</p>
<p>I think you should give Rutgers a very close look. As bulletandpima said, from a tuition aspect alone, it is a good value. If you don’t get into UMD, you could always start at Rutgers and then transfer later. I understand what you’re saying about politics, but you will have several electives to get out of the way. Otherwise, for you to say this is really your only option… you need to plan for what you’ll do if you don’t get in at UMD.</p>
<p>Remember Rutgers is not very far from NYC, which has the UN. (35 minutes is the same commute as UMCP to DC) As a matter of fact UMD Scholars goes to the UN for trips, so there is that perk from RU.</p>
<p>The Scholars program fro Govt and Political Science is excellent, but I believe they only accept 160 kids per yr. DS in it and loves the classes. They were told if they transfer out don’t expect to transfer back in b/c of the high demand for the program they can have a new student in right away.</p>
<p>“BulletandPrima: Taking you are from NJ. UD is not in the same ball park as UMD, nor is Towson, Catholic, American, and probably JMU. Rutgers is a great college and if you are from NJ, take that over paying OOS for UMD and def over Towson, UD, Catholic, and Penn State”</p>
<p>Besides UVA, Penn State University Park would be the best ranked school on his list. Unfortunately, he did not get into University Park, so going to a branch campus definitely comes below some of the others on the list. Penn State University Park and University of Maryland have very similar admissions standards, so if he didn’t get into Penn State University Park I don’t see this person getting into Maryland(or UVA). I think Delaware is still an option, though, as I know plenty of people that got rejected from University Park and got into Delaware. Delaware is around the 70s in USNews and is a good school. If you don’t get into Delaware or Maryland, I would go to Rutgers over all the rest.</p>
<p>I was very worried when i saw i did not get into Penn State U Park, but i have heard of a lot of people from my area have also not gotten into Penn State U Park, but have gotten into UMCP, so i’m still holding out hope on UMCP</p>
<p>Penn State Univ. Park as an OOS has been difficult to get in for eons, even back in my day (the 80’s) most kids were accepted to one of the other campuses from OOS. They only accept 20% from OOS, and out of that only 30% of them are for Univ. Park. They had 16K admits ly, and less than 1K got into Univ Park from OOS. compared to 7K from IS.</p>
<p>I think UVA is an incredible reach, b/c it falls in the same parameters of accept rate as Penn, @20%, UMD does take more from OOS which will increase your chance. UD is a good school, but I don’t think that it is better than RU when it comes to Political Sciences, especially for interning in the Political world…edowling is right, either be near NYC for the UN or DC, Delaware isn’t near either,</p>
<p>If you were looking for a general education in business or marketing I would keep UD in the pic, but not for Poli Sci.</p>
<p>The real problem with RU is the campus, since you can have classes in Piscataway, New Brunswick, Douglas or Cook, it doesn’t give you a college feel like UMD or UD. </p>
<p>UVA was #2, Penn State Univ Park was 15, UMDCP was 18, RU New Brunswick was 24 and UD didn’t even make the list.</p>
<p>i don’t know if any of you are from NJ, but i have heard mixed reviews from students there. some love it, some dont stay there on the weekends because its “dirty”. even though i know i would still get amazing internship oppurtunities at rutgers, i really am looking for the “college feel” that bulletandpima described. </p>
<p>so this is where i am at lol… if i do not get into UMCP or UVA (veryyy likely), but i get in everywhere else, i need to decide which school is like; i am just having difficulty deciding whether the school itself or the area is more important to me. i have always wanted to go to school in or around DC and hope to move there some day, so this is a difficult decision.</p>
<p>I lived right around th corner from RU, went to many a frat party there. (EB is where Bullet and I graduated from, my Mom is in Monroe now, we are in VA) Anyway, Rutgers does not have the closeness that UMD has and I really do believe it is because there are so many campuses. New Brunswick now has a walking town center and it is much better than it was.</p>
<p>Rutgers is a great area, especially if you want to be somehow in the medical field since J &J and Robert Wood Hospital is right there.</p>
<p>I never ever even considered going to Rutgers, because it was too close to home, but many of my friends did go there. So it was like still having your high school friends. They also went to Rider and Trenton State some went to Rowan.
If you want to go to school around DC than go there, try George Mason University also. It sounds as if you have made your decision that DC is the area for you. You are already in at American so you have a back up just in case.</p>
<p>that’s exactly how i feel about rutgers. don’t get me wrong, i do love new jersey, but i think i could do really good things in DC and experience tons of new opportunties. do you think asking for more recommendations from successful, well-known people is a good idea? or should i just leave my application as it is? i have 2 recommendations from teachers, one from my guidance counselor, and also one from an alumni</p>
<p>Leave it as it is unless the others are very very successful, i.e. State Legistlator, I say that since you want to go political world. Just sit back now, it is in their hands and that is all you can do.</p>
<p>i dont know man, im sorry but with those stats it just doesnt bode well for you to get in</p>
<p>college apps are obviously way up this year, and it does not look good for even me to get in here when i have about 150 points more than you on the SAT and a higher GPA</p>
<p>also, does anyone know how the letters come? i know some schools send everything in big envelopes, others send acceptances in big envelopes and rejections in small.</p>
<p>I was accepted in March 2007 for Fall 2007 and got a huge envelope. All my college acceptances in big envelopes with a letter and informational pamphlets.</p>