Umiami and the dorms

<p>I've heard mixed reviews about the kids at umiami-- some say they are cliquey and others say it's a one of the most diverse schools. could any students there talk about the social scene at umiami? Although I probably won't apply to Frost, is there a big music/jazz scene at miami? Does it seem like there is a chill community of students that like to jam together or are just into music? Also how are freshman dorms?</p>

<p>UM is not cliquey in a broad sense. Of course there are a few cliques here and there, as there would be anywhere. I wasn’t exactly the most sociable outgoing person in high school and worried about making friends in college (being both shy and an introvert), but I’ve more than surprised myself - the ease with which you can make friends at UM (and college in general) is insane and amazing. Everybody is socially open and willing to talk to anyone, especially in the beginning of the year. There is very little (if any) judgment and none of that stereotypical BS that is prevalent in high school.</p>

<p>I’m not sure about the music/jamming scene but I’m sure it exists. I live in Hecht and Stanford is where a lot of the music students live, so a Stanford resident would be better-suited to offer insight.</p>

<p>As for freshman dorms: Hecht is the most recently-renovated, it’s very nice inside, the elevators are better than Stanford’s (though Stanford is FOR SURE getting new elevators this summer – it’s no longer a discussion, it’s a reality). The freshman residential college system in general at UM is AMAZING. Dorm life is my favorite aspect of college so far, and from what I’ve seen, it seems like one of the areas that UM invests a LOT of time, effort, money, and careful planning. I couldn’t ask for a better experience as a resident in Hecht so far. </p>

<p>Any other questions, I’d be glad to offer input!</p>

<p>I wouldn’t call the students cliquey, but not all of them are the most approachable type. </p>

<p>There is an incredible amount of musical talent on campus. As a guitarist myself, I was thrilled to find not one, but several people just on my floor that were only too eager to come over and jam out from time to time. As a city, Miami’s music scene is less than stellar, but it’s definitely getting better and has improved over the past few years.</p>

<p>Also, if you’re looking for jazz, not only are there several great jazz clubs in the city, but Frost is one of, if not THE best school for jazz in the country. The jazz musicians here are truly on another level, and you can see them put on great concerts all the time at the Gusman center (on-campus concert hall).</p>

<p>Thanks for replying, that helps a lot! Also, in what ways does the residential college system at Miami differ from other schools? Is there a more community feel in the dorms because of it? Also, how big is the campus–is there one main quad or are the buildings scattered throughout?</p>