UMiami Party School

I applied to UMiami. I hear back and it fits everything I want in a school. Literally almost everything. The only thing I’m not sure of is the party scene. I have heard it is a HUGE party school. I am not too much of a partier. Should that be a turn off for me completely, or would I be fine?

When I visited, I was impressed by the academic and student seriousness, and how the school has evolved from its partying image from decades back. It is still a social school, but that does not mean what people think it means. They weed out the kids looking to drink on the beach and go to clubs who are not academically serious - they can’t get in. I hope so because my daughter is attending. They take excellent students and educate them in a rigorous and supportive environment. It is diverse in all ways to include partiers and non. You should think it through, but don’t believe the stereotype.

Warm weather, beautiful beaches, & attractive students makes socializing very tempting. “How disciplined are you ?” may be the real issue.

Being from South Florida, UM is definitely known for its party scene since it’s in Miami and there is always something to do in the city. However, UM is such a big school that I’m sure you will find your people no matter what. There’s gonna people from all over with various interests, and I can tell you 100% that you will not be the only one that doesn’t want to party every night. Don’t let that stop you from loving the school!

I’m sure the football team and attending games is still popular.

If you are just not into partying, and are worried that you wouldn’t fit in, I wouldn’t worry - I’m sure that there are enough non-partying students like you for you to find a set of like-minded friends. However, if, like @Publisher mentions, you are worried about being drawn into the party scene and that this would distract you from your studies, that is a legitimate issue, and then Publisher’s question is very relevant.

I know someone that went there (partied too much and had to transfer schools). She said it was a good mix of people and u can do ur own thing

My cousin actually goes there and she said that there is a clear line between students who are more into the socialization category and students who are academically focused. She also said no one will force you into anything and that the school now values education over the social scene. Even if you are not a “partier”, you’ll still find your place since there will be students like you on campus. If you’re worried about any dangers after parties then she said there is not much to worry about because there is a 24/7 student patrol (or was it police I don’t remember ahaha) that will always be there if you’re ever uncomfortable!

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Did she transfer to a school in Florida?

No to a school in IL

hope so