UMich Ann Arbor Early Action for Fall 2022 Admission

Not my words, or belief. In fact I acknowledged in my message that there could be many reasons. I was referencing what my D’s GC said about what to expect.

I think you are in really good shape! Hang in there - and good luck!’n


Not sure how the ‘defer to increase yield rate’ works for Ross as it is one of the most competitive and prestigious business programs. Plus, once you get deferred from LSA, there’s like 0% chance to be accepted to Ross, so I don’t think they’ll defer you for yield protection if your preferred admission status is Ross.

I told you that days ago, after your 1st posting. :smile: I agree, I think you’ve been accepted. That’s what I’d tell my own kid. Obviously, there’s no guarantee until the decision is posted, but you look good rn. :+1:


Thank you again, I’m just so nervous. I need to stop being so pessimistic. Soon enough we’ll see the outcome.

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To piggyback on the other Stamps mom response, our Stamps daughter had very similar stats when she was accepted in 2018.

In state
SAT 1200
ACT 28
GPA 3.85
A lot of APs but don’t remember how many!
Strong portfolio and many awards including a National Award (Scholastic Art)
She’d tell you her essays got her in LOL

They year she applied, I think around 1,500-ish kids applied and they accepted 160-ish.

She’s graduating in April with a BFA vs BA - she really wanted that pure Art/Design background. She’s very digital and loved, loved having the option to take classes in the School of Information.

I heard (probably just a rumor) that Stamps looks more closely at the Language section of the SAT/ACT since most (but not all) art kids aren’t the strongest in math. My daughter did very well on the language sections and, uh, math not so much!

She was deferred on Wed Dec 20 2017. Then admitted on Feb 22 (Thurs). After the EA decision release, I THINK Stamps releases on their own schedule? I believe I remember only Stamps kids were admitted on that Thursday.



Right. If there was an issue he’d have offered to fix it. I agree, I think it means you’re in - which of course he can’t say to you.

Good luck! :crossed_fingers:


I assume that’s hyperbole, 0% chance? I don’t have stats for an LSA EA deferral, subsequent LSA acceptance, followed by a Ross admission, but I believe it’s much higher than 0%. I’ve seen them.

Remember Ross has three (3) decision dates: 2/18, 3/18 and 4/15. So, a home school EA deferral on 1/29 (if that’s the actual release date) doesn’t necessarily lead to a Ross rejection. Best of luck.

thank you so much!!

Wait so different term application date is a sign of acceptance? Not looking good for me then XD

I’d be cautiously optimistic. You’re the only one that has posted the SU '22 app in their portal, so I’m thinking you’re “golden.”

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I think it is positive, too. Your profile is a good fit for the bridge program and there is no other explanation for that application being there. As you said, if it were a glitch or an issue, the AO probably would have made an effort to get it fixed.

I am not sure how much money I would bet on it, lol, but I don’t think you have any reason to be pessimistic.


Sorry, you are right. And I do not espouse this belief in fact, I think it is deplorable.

But a lot of kids mix in my sentence with all of the good (and accurate) stuff you mentioned about classes and clubs etc. If you do not think this is the case, I think you are naive. But I hope you are right.

When you look around your kid’s peer group and see that mysterious applicant who got into four schools already, assume that they are writing the paragraphs you mentioned and my sentences.

They must accept more than the 150ish you mention? That is the number enrolled?

This is very true

Did you say 2.55 today for a decision? :slight_smile:

I read the rude response on my phone and got on my laptop to post a similar message to yours. Thank you for stating so clearly what most of us feel. Genuine goodwill to all here. I will be happy for anyone here no matter the outcome for my daughter. :slight_smile:
As for legacy, @Annalisee, they do not use it in admissions anymore. Or not as important anymore. So don’t worry if you do not have it.


Just a guess. I originally said two weeks ago tomorrow. Got to cover myself somehow… Lol :rofl::four_leaf_clover:


You need to pick one.

So legacy is looked at maybe in a tie but it’s not as weighted as it used to be. Legacy won’t be the reason your accepted or not. Many students were denied being legacy in the last 3 years. It used to mean more but statistically legacy kids do usually go to their legacy school and schools know that.