UMich Ann Arbor Early Action for Fall 2022 Admission

Well then tomorrow is an easy choice. Lol

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I believe Michigan has a program, maybe called Summer Bridge, where they offer admission to some students but you have to start with a summer session to get settled before fall.

Not sure if this could be the answer, but wishing you the best of luck!


8 minutes until there is exactly one day til decisions! (Hopefully)


Awesome program


That’s what sushiritto was telling me, totally hoping this ends up being the case

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So, what type of student is the Summer Bridge Scholars aimed at? Sounds interesting.

The new interim Pres of the UM (coleman) sent out a message today to staff and students saying they getting ready to release the decisions and I just want to say, “yeah, but what day?” lol. It was an encouraging message about the recent change in leadership.

Needless to say it’s no more than 5 days left. Technically, today, Friday, and Monday. so cheers to you all and best of lunch to all of us.


For those who know what this program is, could you elaborate on it more?

oh, I almost forgot - Slightly off-topic: did any of you hear about Central Michigan University accidentally telling some students they got a full ride? like 58 students to be exact
 lol. Whoopsie. They had to go back and tell them they didn’t get the full ride after kids had a day of celebrating

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So Friday (or Monday) it is.


How do you get the class of 22 badge on your icon?

Oh no
what a bummer!

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Well, Umich truly meant it when they said end of Jan

my money is on monday


Friday makes sense with calls/mails

I would be surprised if they push it till 31st.


Sounds like they are going to honor it!


haha i’ll not be surprised if i never get my decision


I agree with this 100% - my S22 wrote about specific classes, professors, research opportunities, study abroad interests and clubs. He described how these would collectively help him reach his academic goals. In my personal opinion, if you do your research, ‘demonstrated interest’ shows through in your essay, in an organic and natural way.


Typically for students who may need a “little extra”. However, it is NOT free, it’s like 6 credits. If you are “invited” or recommended, you should do it. My D19 did not get invited. But i am considering it IF my D22 gets in. Just for a cushion. UMICH is a fun, but challenging school, and it may provide a teeny bit of wiggle room.

And to your legacy question: it used to be parent
but so many applicants with a parent from UMich that now it’s more like sibling, grandparent. Even then, no guarantees.

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I think on average that the acceptance rate to Stamps is about 7%. That is what the guidance counselor told my daughter the year she was accepted (2019). They tend to over-accept assuming some people won’t attend and sometime in the past couple of years that bit them in the rear and there was a much bigger class!