UMich Ann Arbor Early Action for Fall 2022 Admission

is it easier to get in LSA than other schools?

What schools? LSA is probably easier to be accepted into than CoE and Ross, but would depend on the number of applications to each year-by-year. Kinesiology, SMTD and Nursing can be difficult as well, since all three have very small enrollments.

The numbers may have changed a little since freshman classes are getting bigger, but CoE had about 1,400 freshman spots and LSA had about 4,400 in a freshman class of around 7,000+.

To everyone hoping for a earlier decision: the latest date for HAIL interviews is January 16th, and I don’t think it would make sense to release decisions before completing interviews, even if they’re purely informational.

yes, they round to the nearest tenth. I read my admissions file and found that they rounded my 3.85 to a 3.9.

They did in 2019

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What did they say about the SAT? Did they mention a lot about extracurriculars and grades or mostly grades and GPA?

My son applied EA to UofM CoE for 2022 admission. Given his profile, we consider UofM a slight reach:

  • Male
  • White
  • Michigan resident
  • Highly ranked public high school with strong STEM curriculum and good track record with UofM (two students from his Robotics team were accepted into UofM STEM programs last year)
  • 3.9+ UW
  • AP BC Calc (5), AP Physics (5), AP Econ (3), AP Chem, AP Bio, AP Stats
  • Electives heavy in STEM - Engineering Design, Computer Programming, Botany, Genetics/Microbiology, etc.
  • 770 Math / 750 English SAT
  • Outstanding recommendations
  • Well written and sincere essays (although he did not have any hardship or unusual life experience hooks)
  • Robotics Team - Varsity first year eligible and Engineering Team Lead
  • Substantial volunteer work
  • Work tutoring JHS students in math
  • Work experience with local start-up doing research and web design
  • Demonstrated interest through campus tour and engineering info Zoom call

Does he have a shot?


I would say you definitely do. A 1520 is above their middle 50%, plus you meet the average for GPA and you are a Michigan resident, which give you a good advantage over OOS. I would put that as a high match for you.


Sure seems like he has a great shot to me. And I hope he does because his profile is very similar to my own son except for he is OOS.

So this was interesting, he is in COE and IIRC they converted his entire ACT score to an SAT total and wrote that on his app (this was all handwritten I think he said) and they also only took his math, they never even noted his science score (maybe because that was his lowest) as 36/1600 whic he thought was interesting.

Both readers wrote paragraphs about his EC’s in the context of whether he would be a good fit for UM and be an involved student. I don’t believe they wrote about any specific EC’s but it was noted that he was involved in hs. They didn’t note any of his awards.

Another thing that was really interesting to him is that last year the EA apps weren’t due until Nov 15 and he turned his in right at the end. His was reviewed within a few weeks. The app doesn’t say whether they should accept or postpone him, just that each person gives him a score of 1-15. The lower the score the better. The application file is supposed to have everything the student submitted. LIke I said, the LORs were redacted. So, he was then postponed and he wrote the little essay thing that he was asked to do when he was deferred. I can’t remember how long it was supposed to be but there was a prompt and he basically made it like a letter of continued interest. Well, that wasn’t in his file at all. The next thing in his file after all the comments, was his final transcript. So we found that interesting. Wondering what “pile” he was put in if they never even printed and put that essay in his file at all. Was he always in the to be accepted pile, but later.

Also, nothing about his HAIL interview either which he had in March. For those thinking it makes a difference or not, and you need it to get in. You don’t. His friend was accepted in the first batch to COE and didn’t have a HAIL interview. The difference between him and my son was that he was the valedictorian, my son was salutatorian. Maybe that’s why my son was postponed initially since they both applied for COE. Only 3 from our school were accepted to COE. The other was a girl who was the unweighted GPA valedictorian.

For everyone hoping for an earlier notification date, do not count on it. When they say late January, they mean late January. They moved it last year. If they kept to that this year, that most likely means it worked for them and they intend to keep it that way. It is frustrating because my daughters were both accepted in December back in 2018 (did not attend UM) but it was nice having a great school under their belt. One actually had applied somewhere ED and had heard from UM before her financial aid package came through so once it did she declined and withdrew her other apps, but it was still exciting to have heard from one other school for her.

@sushiritto is correct that LSA is easier than COE especially if you want CS. It’s also not a difficult transfer into CS in COE if you want to go that route. The only issue is that freshman year requirements are slightly different (like English) so you have to suffer through those before you transfer but you take the same classes. My son’s roommate is a Data Science major in LSA and next semester he’s taking 2 of the same classes that my son just took for his CS major in COE, so there is tons of overlap. Econ is the default major for Ross but it is not an easy major. Econ 101 is a weed out class and the pace is very fast. This year loads of kids (well the parents) have been looking for tutors like crazy in all courses. I have kids at 3 different universities and by far the tutor requests are most significant at UM. Their advising was good but I do think much of it is related to improper placement and kids assuming if they did well on a placement test they should move up to the course they placed into like Calc.


bigelom3, According to Niche, based on his stats, he has an 80% chance of getting into UofM’s engineering program, but I keep reading about highly qualified applicants getting rejected. Maybe that is because they were out of state, and UofM favors in-state applicants. (According to Niche, if he were OOS his chances would drop to 69%.) Given the craziness over the past couple years - COVID deferments, huge spike in applications to top schools, schools going test optional, etc. - I am not optimistic.

The good news is he has already been accepted by Pitt, MSU and RHIT, so he has options.

Do you know if they consider the applicant’s major/interests or just the school they’re applying to?

U Michigan OOS overall acceptance rate is less than 20%, and probably a bit lower for CoE
so a reach for all unhooked OOS students.

Having had a son with great stats (ECs), who was COE and OOS, who ended up getting waitlisted, I agree 100% with this statement

I totally agree with this sentiment, as usual. :smile:

The Class of 2025 OOS overall acceptance rate was probably around 17-18% (in-state was roughly 39% +/-) with a record number of applications (80,000+). The CoE would typically be a couple or few % points below that overall %.

And the mere fact that Michigan’s USNWR ranking keeps dropping makes the university even more attractive to applicants. And I’ve seen legacies and 4.0/1,600 applicants get rejected over the years.

I’ve tried to talk about this concept of “good fit” over the years here. Michigan looks for an applicant that not only has good academic stats, but also they’re looking for “Michigan Men and Women.”

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Does any one here who applied to umich ross have a button on their umich applicant portal to select switch app and it shows lsa undeclared and business administration bba?

when do umich decisions come out? on collegevine it says december 24th but i don’t know if that’s true

Website says end of January

Great info on the notes from actual UMich application reviews.

Of course, until I read this post I was feeling good about my son’s chances for COE. Now I’m not so sure. He’s got the numbers (4.0/1570) out of one of the top OOS feeder high schools, solid ECs, personal essay and recommendations
BUT he spent most of his “Why Michigan” essay talking about UMich professors (he did a lot of research into classes he wanted to take and research profs were doing, etc) - not so much about ways he was going to be an “involved student” outside of academics.

His ECs are mostly centered around athletics in one way or another. I’m wondering how well that translates as a COE applicant in terms of campus involvement? I’m thinking he should have invested more space in his essay on how he’s going to pivot to other activities once on campus.

Yes, same here