UMich Ann Arbor Early Action for Fall 2022 Admission

Im not sure if the process differs from school to school but I received an email from my daughter’s school confirming that school will send out the official fall transcript on Feb 1 to all schools she has applied to (schools she is still waiting to hear back from). Hope this helps!!

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Been following you guys for a while too. Appreciate all the input over the years. The last two have been the craziest. Hoping for the best


Every school does it differently. My son’s school did it this way. Actually just made it easier for them since so many different requests.

I’m applying to the Tufts 5-year program, Cornell, Northeastern (accepted EA), Ivies, Georgetown, UCLA (I’m in CA), WashU, NYU, BC & safties that I have been accepted to already. I’m just looking towards universities (clearly) all for BFA or dual degree programs.

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So are they gonna come out today??

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Thoughts on chances for:
4.5/3.9 GPA
33 ACT
Especially Unique Essays
Many EC’s in and out of school with a President role. Many are focused on community and advocacy.
Been a language tutor, basketball coach, and camp counselor.

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If deferred, Michigan may request one or more of the following:

  1. absolutely nothing and they’ll state that they want nothing further from you,
  2. just Fall senior year grades, and/or
  3. 250-word essay

The deferred email will specify what, if anything, they’ll want. As @Knowsstuff says, just follow their directions. What they want can change year-to-year. The 250-word essay is something they’ve instituted in the last 1-2 cycles, since some deferred applicants would send a LOCI, and some wouldn’t. Some would send updates, some wouldn’t. So they standardized the process.


Thank you for weighing in! This is helpful (& fingers crossed he’ll still be in the running once decisions are out!). If he is deferred and they don’t ask for anything more, do you think he should make sure his up-to-date grades are forwarded to UMich since they are mostly all AP and all good? First time college app parent here, so appreciate all of the helpful information!

One last question for our two wonderful and patient leaders. For all of the marbles.

How confident are you that decisions will come between 2:55 and 3:10 EST today?

Note: This is a short answer question!!

Two years ago my daughter was differed 2 or 3 times. Sorry, I can’t remember how many admission decisions came out before she was accepted in March 2020. She had the option of writing a letter and wrote an amazing letter of interest. I believe that and new higher SAT scores got her in. Write the letter if you have a chance.




Yes that is what I told my S22 when he left for school today and telling myself as well… Whatever happens, happens for the best! Good luck to everyone who is expecting a decision today. You will all do well in life irrespective of what happens today!! I know it because some 25 years ago, I was in you Senior’s place (different continent), but still same nerves. And guess what, I am still happily contributing in my own ways, pursuing a different area (Engg to Finance) from what I had in mind 25 years ago!


Not at all. In my original message, I stated that the message was sent to UM staff, faculty, and current students. no worries so sorry for the scare.

Respectfully, sort of. Michigan (unlike Cornell) is known for grade inflation, with the average cum now approaching 3.45. Michigan does the right thing in advocating for, catering to, and ensuring the success of their students.

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Well 85/15. If I say 100% and wrong then @sushiritto will let me have it so…:rofl:


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I hope they come out today, I am so nervous


Decision is in friend account now

Wait rlly? Can you see it?

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Yes. But not on regular enrollconnect

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are they releasing it all at once