UMich Ann Arbor Early Action for Fall 2022 Admission

Definitely seems like there will be “waves” for RD


They sold it as send any updates, but if they had just submitted the week before for Feb 1, they didn’t have updates

Well, this seems to pretty much confirm it. Appears we’ve all gotten a bit worked up over what likely was an ill-informed or simply poorly expressed comment from someone speaking in admissions a few weeks back. Good news! Thx for sharing.

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Thank you for sharing. That sounds pretty definitive.

(Big sigh of relief :sweat_smile:)

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Is this an email from the admission office or your regional officer

Regional Officer

Yep. Been happening for many cycles.

Thank you. Sorry but did you email them showing your interest or why did you email the regional officer. I sent the LOCI and today sent transcript. Not sure if I should email my regional office

I simply emailed to ask whether U-Mich got my Mid-Year Report, but I thought I’d also ask about the waves

I’m submitting my LoCI tomorrow (I was waiting on National Merit Finalist)

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My son was accepted by CWRU and they have been working him hard with emails, mailings and invitations to attend accepted student events.


yay!!! hoping for fri

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They must be reading this forum. :joy:

Lots of activity today. Some of us had to work :rofl:

Lots of questions about contacting AOs… They are all super busy. Not sure if it will piss them off or help. Just send them what they ask for and they will put it in your file (yes, I am aware of people checking their files… Etc)

I agree with @sushiritto that many here will have good news in general and for others it will take a bit longer to get good news.

Getting your kids to contact their AO is yes like pulling teeth :grin: :tooth:but that should of been done prior to EA with something that you can’t find easily on the website etc. Doing it now is not advised. Some have had contact since Junior year.

So, just give them what they ask for and pray​:pray:… And a little luck :four_leaf_clover:.


Our D has been instructed by her fantastic GC to contact several AOs, generally with “updated” information and a lighthearted way to say “I still love your school…please pick me!” Not UM. In our area, the UM AO is completely overwhelmed and at times has gotten a tad snippy with the GCs. Interestingly, though, we believe the GCs have been informed of decisions prior to the students. Last few years, the actions of the GCs on the day of notification were a bit telling lol.

That said, I guess it completely depends on your location and your particular AO.

I’m not sure this is correct. My son was postponed, and he did not have any request for mid-year grades, just the LOCI.

My daughter has been doing the same and some schools really are super nice and I’m shocked how much time they will spend with her. UMich AO wasn’t rude, but definitely gave the ‘I’m busy, leave me alone’ vibe.

I am aware of this but as you said, not Michigan. In years past yes. Now no. The GCs relationship especially at somewhat feeder schools can be important. But if a bunch of kids from x school call and point to the GC of calling that won’t look good either. I have always said and our school advised to contact in Junior year with something of substance. Yes, it goes into your file. Showing interest, yes. Getting their card and sending a thank you, yes at their school talk etc. Small lacs sure. During decision time, well no. They have enough on their plate and most likely stressed.

Hopefully this will be a good weekend for most.

Can someone explain the role of the Regional Admissions Counselor? Do they make admissions decisions?