UMich Ann Arbor Early Action for Fall 2022 Admission

has michigan ever done something like this where they only release in-state? do we think its a pre mini wave to a bigger release including oos this coming friday?

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Here on CC, for last Friday’s “wave” only, no I don’t believe anyone posted a Nursing or Kinesiology acceptance.

I could be mistaken, but the entire “wave” here on CC last Friday was LSA and CoE only. But CC is a very small sample size.

She was accepted on Friday as OOS?

No, she was accepted EA to Stamps in January.

this friday :crossed_fingers:t3::crossed_fingers:t3::crossed_fingers:t3:

I looked up admitted students day and for school of kinesiology it is 3/25 which makes me think they would want to have decisions out before then. I’m surprised to see how many of the campus days are in March given that they are saying early April for decisions. Is this normal that in the past the campus days occurred before the big wave of RD/postponed came out?

In 2020 when EA was in December, the first admitted students day was at the end of January. My daughter attended in mid-February.

I haven’t paid much attention to the schedule of campus days, but my D was admitted EA in December 2017 and Michigan had a special “California Admitted Student Day” on 3/9/2018, IIRC.

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We were at that one too. Not sure if they do California day still as my son is postponed so doesn’t have access to that stuff😒

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My city is hosting an admitted students day here
 it’s on the day I fly back home from school, though :frowning:

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Anyone know dates for on-campus admitted students days that have engineering sessions? Waiting on postponed EA decision, but I sort of need to block off potential travel dates ASAP.

I no looked it up and it seems each college has their own dates. If you search campus days for your college you will find them.

So when is admitted day for CSA ?

Currently, there are several sessions in April. All March sessions are booked and no sessions scheduled in May. University of Michigan - Campus Day for College of Engineering



It’s possible that there are micro releases every week until the main release

the main release meaning april 1st?

No one knows for sure, my previous post is just a guess but I’d assume it’d be either March 25 or April 1

To be fair I believe we’re still on track to follow last year’s schedule. There was a small release the last week of February as well (although not much on CC for some reason), so that would put the two major releases at March 4th and 25th.


I hope thats the case

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