UMich Ann Arbor Early Action for Fall 2022 Admission

Would it be a bad decision to choose LSA at M if he was accepted instead of a business school where he was a direct admit at IU, Wisconsin, Purdue?

Also and maybe you haven’t read the other 5,000 posts :open_book::thinking::rofl:
 At Michigan you don’t need Ross to go into business at all m. It’s only one path.

As an example my son’s international company besides engineering was looking for students for the Business leadership program. They interviewed both Ross and non Ross students for the same positions. They care more about how you think then the degree you have. Economics with some minors can be as marketable or even more marketable then Ross alone. They will all get jobs. I would pick Michigan over Wisconsin and Purdue for business even without Ross. Do a deeper dive. Talk to advisors to see what they say. They know the outcomes. Good luck m


Similarly, I am almost out of considering Michigan. I am seriously evaluating UVA, UNC assured admit to KF, UT Austin BHP, GaTech, Notre Dame, and WashU (full-ride). Waiting for Michigan in a limbo until 4/15 does not make sense.


any portal changes for anyone yet?

Those are some great choices! Congrats.

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Amazing choices, congrats. !:confetti_ball:

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I should also note that UMich’s approach feeds back into worsening the enrollment issue at low enrollment high schools.

Consider an applicant from one of these schools who really likes UM and has a high desire to enroll. She applies EA in mid-October but UM, looking at her HS’s past enrollment record for applicants like her, decides to postpone. Not only that, they show no love - no communication, no firm dates, etc. Meanwhile her second choice EA school (let’s say Purdue) gives her lots of attention and makes her feel wanted and special.

UMich eventually admits her but by then it’s been 5 months and it isn’t as high on her list any more. So she decides to enroll at Purdue.

→ Feedback loop for UMich: applicants like this young lady won’t enroll → continue to defer future applicants like her from that high school :frowning_face:


Yes, I think IU Kelley is the best of our 3. He was just offered a bit more aid at Wisconsin. But I think IU is a better choice. He’s just holding out for M, which may not happen today or later
I also believe Kelley may be better than LSA At M? Not sure though. His advisor said either is good option.

I agree completely. My son has had so much time to really get to know Purdue FYE, UC Boulder, UMD, and now UIUC. These schools have done excellent outreach for admitted students. It’s getting harder and harder for him to see himself at UMich. UMich was one of the top ones going into this process, but when you apply back in September, and still don’t know, it’s hard to keeping hoping for it. I am really hoping we hear something today. :crossed_fingers:


This is the broken loop at our HS. Yes, we enroll kids, but generally not the highest stat kids. Somewhat because they ARE using UM as a great #2 option, but also because since 10th grade and beginning the GC process they are hammered that it shouldn’t be their #1 since it effectively is an RD decision for them.

There are a LOT of kids in my D’s school who would have Ross as their #1 or COE as their #1. Lots. But most of them go to peer or competing schools for exactly the reasons you mention.

Got a text from my D a little while ago. GC wished her “good luck” when she poked her head in this am. D asked if UM was coming out, and GC simply smiled and said “good luck”. Take that with whatever heaping grain of salt you want.


I live chat today. I asked if it was possible for decisions to come out today and obviously I got the generic “any time between now and early April”.

However, he did confirm that there will be waves and people will hear at different times. I know it’s pretty much confirmed in this group but I guess it’s something. From this I can actually assume now that the releases will follow the pattern they did last year.


Nothing changed in the portal yet. Last year I think most of the changes happened an hour or so before release.

Go direct admit or have a backup plan

Yes, same situation at our HS :smirk:

Keeping fingers crossed :crossed_fingers:t3:

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When I was applying, UM was rolling. We all heard in October. Such a different, easier time :frowning:


Does anyone think that postponed (LSA) kids, like my D22, are less likely to hear today bc they have supposedly already reviewed our applications and will make decisions for RD kids first? I hope not but a friend mentioned this and worried me a bit.

Unless your friend is an AO in Ann Arbor, all they are offering is baseless speculation.

You can rationalize speculation in either direction on this
 but ultimately you’ll hear when you hear.


Thanks, very true.

That’s my point
 Either is a good option. I think I stated Kelly over all if he has to have B-school. Just see what you can build at Michigan though. You can go online and do that now. You might find out they look very similar or you have more choices going the LSA /minor route.

With those choices, it is crazy that your son was deferred to regular admission pool.