UMich Ann Arbor Early Action for Fall 2022 Admission

Well, if it helps, we have seen applicants from my daughter’s school in the past who were accepted at multiple ivies get deferred or even rejected at UMich.


@sushiritto If there is a release today, will it be from all schools. My daughter applied to sport management @ Kinesiology. I told her to come home after school and go to basketball practice late to check…the waiting is so stressful!


The big 3"Fs".Fit, feel and aFFordability (see what I did there :joy:).

Affordability should be number 1 in my book. Don’t take out loans if you don’t have to. Don’t mortgage the house or go into retirement. Many parents still paying back their kids loans.

But the right fit and feel to me mean more then rank or whose marching band is better. Your kids will do better academically /socially if their in the right environment for them. They will all get jobs. Trust me, you will look back at this in 4/5 years and wonder why you were so worried. Been there, done that :eyes:.

This isn’t about which school sends better marketing material. That’s what your all getting now. They want you to commit. Once admitted and ready to go to Michigan you will feel the love. You will get way too many emails and so will your kids. Once committed and deposited and picking housing is when it typically starts.

But if you feel this is important now and your in the right environment for you, then commit. If you want to see all your choices then wait. It says in April you will know. They might give you your decision prior. The waiting sucks.

Good Luck to everyone today. I am going with there will be a release. I have been wrong before. :thinking::wink:


Same at our school…hoping the fact that my older daughter is at UM helps a little…


Same for our son. Last year the withdraw application button disappeared but came back after a short time, so even if you did lose it, you might have missed it. Does anyone else not have the button this morning?

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Do you mean you heard that RD students will get notified before postponed ones?

What time would it be around?

If there is release today, my D22 is out of town for a state competition and does not know or care that decision might come out today but is it bad that I would still like to know. Story of being deferred!


I still have it; will all people see portal glitches or will it primarily be those who are receiving a decision?

Yes. Just speculation from one friend whose child was also postponed. Not sure where she heard it from or if she just thought it herself.

Hey everyone! I know it’s been a long wait but let’s just wait a few more hours (less than 4 if past patterns hold). And then we will know.
Right now any talk about which class of applicants will hear today (if at all) is merely baseless speculation and doesn’t do anything other than add to everyone’s stress.

Just take a deep breath. Do something else, and then let’s see what happens after 3pm.



Not at all. Completely normal! But it’s her decision, so I might suggest doing something to take your mind off of it until she’s capable/available to open it.

Our D actually opened her UNC decision with friends, went to practice, and then decided to call a few hours later to tell us she was in. She had celebrated with them and then was late so she didn’t have time! We assumed she was rejected, lol.

It’s their path, even though we’re living it alongside. They both call the shots on when/how to open, as well as when to share! I’ve seen parents sneak into their kids’ emails or load their portals while they were at practice, etc. Cheats them out of the experience!


I believe last year’s first Friday release included many postponed EA students. This information is almost certainly not correct. I imagine some RD will hear before EA, but I don’t think it’s specific.

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This was my son. He thought it was foolish to keep checking. He said it will come when it comes. She will get an email anyway. She doesn’t have to be in town to find out. She can check her portal from anywhere but it seems to be the parents that are more anxious then the kids. I knew because of CC when the Michigan release was before my son even knew. When he came home from track practice I asked him how his day was. He was like this and that and oh by the way. I got accepted to Michigan… Lol :sunglasses:


Completely agree! I have logins and passwords to all my D’s portals but I would definitely not login on decision day. It’s her journey and a key moment in her life when she reads the decision. We will be there with her when she does, but I’m not going to take that special moment away from her.


Yes this 100%!!!

Yes my daughter got into Kelley plus the Honors college with a decent merit scholarship. Deferred at UM. Got into UW Madison pre business where my older daughter is. Leaning toward Madison at this point.

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My older daughter is a current student as well :heart_eyes:

My younger daughter who was postponed isn’t really even interested anymore because she had some great offers come through at other schools. But I am still here waiting! :grin: …even if it is til April :rofl:

Fingers crossed everyone gets good news!

Edit: I have no idea how this quoted the wrong message. I was trying to respond to you saying your one daughter is a current student.

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Best of luck to her!!

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My daughter has some other great choices too but doesn’t even want to go to Admitted Student day at those colleges. UM is her first choice which makes it all the more stressful waiting to hear from UM.