UMich Ann Arbor Early Action for Fall 2022 Admission

Nobody has any idea whether seeing it — or not — means anything at all.

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Some of my most cherished life memories with our older S were the moments/hours after decisions. He received mostly deferrals or rejections until very late in the game. Watching the growth in how he received bad news was worth every rejection, to the point where my wife and I believe it was better that he went through that month and a half than had he gotten into his ED.


i know but historically it has so i am not going to get super hopeful about today. i don’t want to be let down again lol

If it helps anyone here, last year this week was called a mini-wave and was mostly legacies from both instate and OOS. I think it was students that they pretty much knew would attend, but wanted to make sure with Covid they kept their grades up. Just my opinion. As far as I know, there were no rejections. I know everyone is going crazy right now, as is my D since her sister is there. Again just my opinion about legacies this year not getting in is because they over-enrolled last year and unfortunately for the class of 2026 the school has to readjust the class size.

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To be fair, there was not a single mention of a portal change in the 2025 EA thread before the early March wave.

@NJFather @sushiritto My D says best is Joe’s by Vic Village :slight_smile:

@tau the 3/5 release was a surprise for everyone, I don’t think my D even checked the portal and just got the email.

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Apology for my nail-biting message! Don’t worry, DD is the odd one applying for Musical Theatre BFA. I suspect they’re just updating something since we got an email from Flint (not decision), although we started with Ann Arbor.


This is so nice to hear! I think my son’s ED rejection helped him grow in a way nothing else this year would have. I know in the end it will work out the way it is meant to be, but I hope in his eyes it feels that way, too. Thanks for sharing.


I believe its Spring Break at UofM, if so would we not hear anything today?

Spring break is for classes not for school administration. If we do not hear something today it is not because students are on spring break.


True, and someone up-thread mentioned last year the decisions came out on the Friday of Spring break week as well.

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Eesh, that’s dismissive. I think it can be very objectively stated that UMich is behind many other major schools in their admissions management processes, and there is plenty of comparative data to point to. I think it is obvious many people share this opinion from the thread, but it can be supported by data as well. Anyway, I’m not sure she was saying March 4th is such a horror, but making a broader point that there is an incredible lack of transparency. If they gave info on dates (like Ross does, for example), folks could plan around this. Their “apply EA and we will hold all eventual dates hostage except to vaguely say by mid April” - with an emphasis on “by” - isn’t much of a plan, and definitely doesnt have their customer in mind. Fair?


I think theres a lesson in there for a very stressed out mom as well…My S has got deferred or waitlisted to his top 3 choice schools so far and i have to say he seems to be taking it way better than me


I wish they had that little care emoji like facebook does where the like button is. I wanted to use that on your post. Anyway, I feel you on this! Best of luck to your son!


Agree! Our DD got deferred from her ED and there have been many other deferrals and rejections from EAs. Her acceptance at UVA was a shock, and she is very much leaning there because of all of the love they have shown (“they really want me!”). It has been amazing to watch her resilience. March will be a long month!!


Totally feeling you on this! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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Speaking of “eesh.”

First, did you see that emoji I posted after my last sentence? :man_facepalming:

Second, my personality is that you “embrace the suck.” I’m not one to complain about the process, especially when I researched and understood the process by investigating Michigan before D18 applied.

I’ve gone through the process twice now and “it is what is.” But in the end, if admitted today, the Michigan acceptance is sooner than a whole bunch of schools out there, including our UC’s here in CA. Not to mention that a significant portion of Michigan’s acceptances have already gone out in late January.

Third, there are worse admissions departments out there, Cal Poly SLO being one of them (acceptances, then waitlists, then rejections all weeks apart) and there’s Cal/UCB issues.

But I’m not here to go back and forth about my tongue-in-cheek comment.


Totally understand this. I was deferred from Northeastern, Villanova, UM, UMiami, and unfortunately Boston College ED all for nursing. The waiting is so excruciating. I hope all of us end up somewhere great.

I love U of M and BC so much but at the end of the day we’ll all end up where we are meant to be at.

Fingers crossed for all of us.


At what time of day has UofM been releasing notifications? Has it been at close-of-business?