UMich Ann Arbor Early Action for Fall 2022 Admission


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You are so right. I’m way more anxious about it than my daughter is! I’m trying to hide it from her :slight_smile:

I think 3pm

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Right? Ive stopped giving my son constant updates from CC
it only took me a few days to realize he doesnt want to know :slight_smile: :woman_facepalming:
Good luck to all the kiddos today and this month! In the grand scheme of life, this time is a blip on the radar and hard work, persistence and a good attitude will take them places, more than any single college will


I spent some time watching YouTube videos yesterday about the inside of college admissions readings. I know it’s mostly our parents on here but I would seriously recommend watching them.

It shows how completely subjective it is and how the “shaping” aspect of college admissions influences who gets accepted.

It really gave me a perspective on how “self-worth”and “college admissions” should never be in the same sentence. It is honestly just random sometimes.


My D the other day was perusing CC, and she perks up with some information. Says “hey Dad, someone on CC got the same info from their GC as I did, so this probably confirms!!” Ten seconds later, “Oh, that was you reporting what I told you. Daaaad


If anyone wants to take a break from the waiting game, go over to the UF page, they are trying to compare themselves to Michigan. It’s kind of funny.

But in all seriousness, the two things they do better is having one admit day. It was last Friday. No more waiting, plus they have a moderator from the school on their thread it definitely helps reduce the speculation.


I am from Chicago and a pizza snob but yes. NY makes some great pizza.

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Not to throw down or anything but actually NJ has the best pizza :blush:


Having grown up in the NYC area and lived in Chicago for over 20 years I am surprised to report that the best pizza I have ever had was in
 wait for it
 Rose City, MI.


NJ and New Haven tie for me.

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Is the withdraw button still there for anyone? I don’t think this means anything anymore

still there for me

My option to submit a loci went away, was there a deadline?

Yes. 2/21

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Feb 21.

Not sure why it is kind of funny considering that they are both top five public universities and top 30 schools.


Same. Same. This process feels so much more stressful from the parent view. Good luck to you!!


How can you people call that casserole stuff you make (with actual “pie crust” rather than pizza dough) a pizza?

It just ain’t right.

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My daughter is sitting in traffic to come home to check her portal and the car in front of her has a BIG M!!!