UMich Ann Arbor Early Action for Fall 2022 Admission

My son is in the same boat. UVA acceptance was a shock and a confidence boost. He is definitely enjoying the “love” they have sent after deferral disappointments.


Yep, My daughter got accepted at Harvard. yes, at Harvard and everywhere else she applied but she’s deferred from Michigan and it’s where she wants to be so we wait.


still a huge accomplishment! congratulations to her!

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Anyone got decisions today?


Sorry but this is too funny. As I’m reloading UM page, notification comes in MSU update… admitted. There was no MSU update 10 min ago cuz I checked that portal too, being a little sus…


If there’s no decisions for anyone by 3:30 I’m done

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I envision the UM admissions office sitting around one computer, looking at this thread and cackling over torturing thousands of students one more time. “Hey guys, should I hit the button to give them their decisions yet?” “No, Bill, I want to see @cryinginannarbor post one more time!”


Still nothing

probably nothing today then

I’m pretty sure if I scoured the 5600+ plus posts in this thread, I’d find the one where @sushiritto said that decisions have not always been released at 3pm ET. IIRC, he said that RD decisions have come as late as midnight. Just sayin…

Wishing all those awaiting a hearty GOOD LUCK!!! (but checked in and expected to see a bunch of news…cannot believe STIIL NOTHING YET!)


Shall we talk about pizza vs flatbreads instead of succumbing to this agony? I’m looking at you @sushiritto


it came 3PM sharp this time … rejected by School of Music, Theatre and Dance, Ann Arbor … So, don’t worry if you’re not getting the decision today. Good Luck everyone :four_leaf_clover:

Wait you got a decision today?

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any lsa decisions so far?

any taubman?

no :frowning:

So can I assume that if we haven’t gotten a decision by this time today we aren’t in this wave?

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I am sorry to hear that. Your daughter sounds incredibly talented. Best wishes to her!