UMich Ann Arbor Early Action for Fall 2022 Admission

Normally a stalker here b/c my DS22 is applying to Ross, but had to chime in to say that Notre Dame (where my older son goes) releases at 6:42pm every year because the school was founded in 1842…


email today:
Thank you for applying to Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute. We are excited to let you know that we will be releasing our Regular Decision notifications a week early! Notifications will be released THIS Saturday evening, March 5 at 7 p.m. EST.


Thanks. Son just updated me about the email.

That’s fantastic! Good luck to your student.

And good luck!

I’ve been reading this board for months, often to great amusement. Commenting for my first time to say:

Did anyone else have a HEART ATTACK moments ago when Michigan Ross Undergrad Admissions just sent a -------- standard blog update. Tonight. At 5:35pm est. Sheesh.

OK, heart rate resuming normal levels.

Good luck, everyone! Happy Waiting!


Yeah, what? D was NOT happy, lol. Now the kids are all trying to read the tea leaves behind that email.

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So no one heard today?

Nope, highly doubt that anything will come out later tonight either

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Not cool, Michigan! Not cool.


Seems like a quiet Friday all around…not sure I have seen or heard of any schools sending decisions today

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Earlier I believe one school did, not sure which one but there is a post on the forum from a few hours ago

One of D22’s friends got into Michigan State today! She was really excited! But I’m pretty sure they are rolling admissions outside of EA.


Columbia sent likely letters (emails) today. Well ahead of Ivy Day!


There was one post here from someone who was accepted to STAMPS (School of Art & Design).

Friday humor:



MSU was quite weird this cycle. Waitlisted a crop RD months ago and seemingly let a bunch in today at 3, no doubt while waiting for U of M…

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What is a “likely” letter?

Likely letters are sent by admissions offices to a very small number of students (not just athletes) to convey that these students will — in all likelihood - be admitted. It’s not a guaranty, but . . .

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Were they mostly in state?

I believe those were associated with scholarship designations. A number of colleges send those out earlier to attract the selected students.