UMich Ann Arbor Early Action for Fall 2022 Admission

Yes. They said EAs would get their decision by x date and EA really helps on college planning. To many of us, postpone is not a decision, unless you interpret it differently.

There are schools, such as Berkeley, even sent out an email after they released a small amount of Regent acceptance to let applicants know what meant that small amount of acceptance.

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Yay! So glad that you have been encouraged by the process. Is one of your kids hoping to be admitted in this class? Or already admitted in January?
I only have one daughter so only get to go through this fun process once. Hoping for U of Michigan but she has some other really good options if this one doesnā€™t work out!

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Thatā€™s fantastic.

Itā€™s a great school otherwise so many people wouldnā€™t be applying. However you appear to be conflating the issues people have with the admissions process with the greatness of the school and therefore taking offense. They are completely different things.

If you didnā€™t and donā€™t have issues with how UM handles admissions Iā€™m happy for you.
But different people have different reactions and itā€™s ok. I am also of the opinion thereā€™s no perfect school. Every school no matter how amazing has some things that can be improved upon. But thatā€™s a topic for a different thread/day.


I canā€™t speak for everyone, so Iā€™ll just speak for myself and say thisā€¦

I already had this conversation. I heard the opinions on both sides (and those in the middle) and Iā€™m over it. Thatā€™s why I suggested @GracieBay to scroll back up and read those comments to see a different opinion (as they seemed interested in hearing that). But, if my comments came across as trying to shut down dialogue, I apologize.

Now, can we go back to talking about the best pizza? Is Bellā€™s still in A2? That was the WORST pizza but it was the only place open until 4am and sometimes you gotta do what you gotta do. :grinning:

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6pm anyone?

If not 5pm, then nothing today, I guess.

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Guessing weā€™re below the likely range of today, though 6 or even 7 wouldnā€™t be surprising. Tons of schools release at those times.

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Anyone notice RPI moved up its release date from 3/12 to 3/5?
Interesting contrastā€¦

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what is RPI?

Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute

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My brother-in-law, UM '92, joked a few weeks back when we were talking about release waves that he thinks UM should do what schools like MIT do in terms of release times (like when they release at 3:14 for pie). He said 8:02. The combination of the total points and the final two free-throws for Rumeal Robinson his freshman year for the championship. I actually think all schools should do something fun like that, lol.


Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute- small school in Upstate NY.
I find the approach interesting. Assuming both release around the same time, UMich applicants are annoyed due to lack of communication and, for many a decision well after they expected it.
RPI commits to March 12 but is delivering on March 5- applicants are happy despite similar timelines


That seems a little too esoteric. Maybe just 7:34? :grinning:

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Where did you see this?!?

Could promote it as the area code AND the over/under for the Lions every year.

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Great idea, but Iā€™d rather work 42-27 into the release equation, which was the score of the OSU game this past season.


Good luck!!! It all works out even if it takes time to realize that, like 10 years. Hopefully youā€™re able to enjoy the process, albeit a stress inducing one. Looking back, you definitely forget most of the bad parts :joy::joy: I canā€™t even remember the schools my older kids were rejected from, Iā€™m sure there were a few and Iā€™m sure they were devastated :roll_eyes:


You know the stress level is high on this thread when I come back from a short run to find things have devolved to bashing one anotherā€™s Neil Peart stories!

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Yes, great point- much better to go after the current applicants than their parents! Would definitely release at times that make OSU blush.

That said, theyā€™d actually then have to announce these things, though.

thank you! i havenā€™t heard of it before!