UMich Ann Arbor Early Action for Fall 2022 Admission

One thing that is hard is that kids had to get applications in by Nov 1- no release until late January. Prior to pandemic releases were in December and then again in January and February. Last year with pandemic- the application deadline was extended til Nov 15 and then let them know late January and then there were waves in February and March. This year’s class of postponed has been waiting longer than any other application class in history of tracking. Many students gave up applying to ED to be able to hold a chance for Michigan and now watching all their friends have decisions made while they are still in limbo. Limbo creates very stressed out students and parents. While they say April 1- historically there has been earlier waves and as @sushiritto pointed out the next deadline for honors is 3/8 and the next Ross decision is 3/18. So if any of these postponed kids stand a chance for either of those- they are frustrated by the less than stellar communication and losing out on those chances. I hope that helps you see the other side of things, but yes, April 1 will bring clarity


I knew the meaning of those numbers before you qualified , would be great to work that in

I don’t know, just stuff I saw online. We’re instate though.

It’s very surprising that they didn’t release decisions today, considering that there are so many deadlines for next week. I hope they release decisions soon, especially for nursing!


Giving blue day is 3/16/22. Maybe we will hear by then if they want donations. :joy::joy:

Agree. Very stressful waiting…

LSA undecided. Will likely not go and stay local.

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D emailed her wonderful GC last night with a “you were wrong” and smiley emoji. GC emailed back that she was super surprised, because her UM contact had signaled a likely wave for Friday. GC circled back this am, saying she communicated with the AO and the response back was mostly a surprised one, saying that they were more out of the loop than at any time before and actually apologizing.

So it seems not even all UM employees, working for admissions, have much of an idea as to when decisions are going out at this time.


that is good to know.

Sounds like a well run organization.


I hope they haven’t lost our applications and are hoping for more withdrawals before announcing. Either way with so many contingencies for specific school admissions, scholarship applications etc, this nebulous, no date set, “it’ll come when it comes” approach is getting old.


I am actually really surprised we didn’t hear anything yesterday. It has already made me lose hope for next Friday.

The lack of clarity is what is the problem. It feels like a game of kick the can down the road. Problem is the road is only so long.


And every week that passes makes it harder to make plans to visit, book flights, etc.


It’s funny, we have a visit scheduled next Friday afternoon. I feel like the ride home is gonna be really weird…

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Then maybe pick one of those other schools that are showing you the love.

We visited a few years back, but haven’t gone this year because he is still postponed. We now are scheduling visits at places he’s been admitted. UIUC has an awesome program hosted by Grainger Engineering called a S.I.T.E visit where students stay on campus for 2 days. I would just be nice to get out of UMich limbo. UMich loves me, UMich loves me not, lol.


As many have posted, visits are possibly the biggest issue right now. It is quite expensive to book a last minute visit, tours and hotel rooms are booking up, and there are tons of other RD schools (who will be announcing on/around the same schedule and time they always have) that will be backing up on every student’s tarmac.

Michigan admissions is playing a game. There’s no possibility that they’re the only school incapable of providing EA decisions in a reasonable timeline. Whether it’s a yield game or something else entirely…it’s negatively impacting potential students in myriad ways.

Any student (and my D is one of them) who harbors any hope for Ross has now mentally accepted that is not going to be where they end up. Sure, she might hear mid-April, but this particular 18 yr old young woman (and I imagine many like her) is going to be all-in on the schools that accepted her by the first week in April and made her decision. Maybe that’s the point? That UM wants to create an environment where interested students- who would seriously consider UM as an option- melt off, and only the ones who have it as their dream school remain. If a couple thousand students get caught in the cross-fire of their slow-walk, that’s the price of doing business.

I’ll reiterate. I’m astounded that there’s not one person of influence at Michigan who looks at this process and says “hey…maybe we should lay out some guidance and information so that we can lighten the burden on tens of thousands of applicants.” I know there will be people taking the “by April 1” literally and telling me that they HAVE communicated. Well, yeah. But these kids were asked to get their applications in at the earliest date (alongside ED’s which provided answers three months ago), and UM has a pretty strong history of releasing EA in a particular fashion of waves. It’s not ok to deviate from that without a bit of transparency.

My D was saying this am how she saw on reddit a parent who was talking about this very thing. Their S is in postponed purgatory. Said that had their S been denied entry it would have been dissapointing and they would’ve moved on, continuing to support UM in spirit and $. But the fact they’ve tortured their S with this yo-yo…they’re taking their modest donation and shelving it for good, even if he gets in. Might be simply a reactionary and rash post…but it goes to show the harm UM is doing by being coy and secretive while other schools are opening their hearts and explaining.


Is there any possibility that something unexpected happened that is causing the delay? I’m having a hard time believing that they are doing this on purpose.

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even if this is true, a brief note to let the prospective students know there is a delay would be helpful.