UMich Ann Arbor Early Action for Fall 2022 Admission

Do UMich staff read the post? If so, maybe they will speed up and release it next Friday.

Yes, that will be nice to hear and gain more understanding.

Submitted the application in October. Now it is March. Maybe something else happened caused the delay like u said.

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March Madness!!! :slight_smile:

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UM is not the only school, and not the only top elite school that admits in pools/waves. Be patient, good things happen.


See, Iā€™m of the mind that this is no different then the other more elite universities D22 has applied toā€¦.we were given a ā€œhear byā€ for her others that we are still waiting on and yes, it will be a PIA to rush last minute should she get into these other schools to do visits based on admittance and financial aid/$ if they truly end up being a possibility but thatā€™s just the way it is and ultimately is no more their fault than it is mine that we canā€™t afford (or whatever holds you back from doing so) to do so beforehand.

Now had those schools said a time frame and then surprise had any decisions/waves before that Iā€™d just be thrilled!! lol, so I just donā€™t really get it, beyond typical anxieties we all have for any schools with later expected decisions. Sucks to wait on anything so important to usā€¦.but I just donā€™t feel they are any worse compared to the three we are still waiting on and I just accepted it is what it is and not to expect word until those dates/time frames and put no stock in whatever else I ā€œhear/readā€ as it certainly wouldnā€™t make sense to me to be upset if whatever else I heard/read didnā€™t come to fruition. :woman_shrugging:


Did she apply EA back in October to these universities?

And if yes, did they say (like UMich does):

Early Action provides you with a guaranteed decision date. For many students, this enables better planning..

and then not follow through?

Have they changed their decision release process this year without any forewarning (like unexpectedly sending out a small portion of decisions) leading to expectations being set? Not to mention expectations based on dates for honors programs, specialized programs (like Ross at U-M), etc?

Just trying to understand how comparable these parallels are.


ā€œThe Early Action decision will be one of three: admit; postpone for a final decision by early April; or deny.ā€

They make it pretty clear what to expect.


Nope, just UMichā€¦but had she and within their pages it stated that sheā€™d have one of three responses and I received one of those three responses, regardless if I liked it or not, thatā€™s what Iā€™d go by.

As for the ā€œwavesā€ or periodic decisions in the interim, I addressed thatā€¦I personally would be thrilled and hold no new expectations other than their original time frame. Thatā€™s on me if I develop false expectations based on that, thatā€™s just how I personally view it. I had no idea before that they have a history of occasionally releasing any decisions before the time frame givenā€¦whereas here I have read thats apparently how itā€™s gone in the pastā€¦and seems to be going nowā€¦so if thatā€™s the case I guess they havenā€™t done this differently. I just set my sites on the fact that at the potentially earliest weā€™d have a definite decision by the stated RD time frame, knowing deferred was a possibility. Then knowing we still could have been waitlisted itā€™s our decision to waitā€¦or completely move on.


So, itā€™s not been the same dragged out process at those colleges as itā€™s been with UMich. Got it.

Anyway, if @GracieBay and you are at peace with the UMich process Iā€™m happy for you both.

Clearly, many of us here feel differently.


No but thatā€™s strictly because she intended to apply Yale and UMich early but unfortunately we came down with Covid for the second time for her/family and third for me, resulting in a stressful week after mine which was spent in the hospital. So, she wasnā€™t up to par physically or psychologically to finish her Yale application without rushing (while still stressed) so it was decided that application deserved better and sheā€™d submit UMich which was complete and finish the rest of Yale, giving it the full attention she began with, and submit over the EA deadline, for RD. As you probably know that was the only university she could choose EA on based on their rules, other than a public universityā€¦so the rest of her apps, even if she had finished which she hadnā€™t, couldnā€™t have been submitted with Yale as her chosen EA.

Also within the rules for Yale it states that like UMich, she would have received one of THREE decisions for EA, admit, decline or deferred. Also like with Umich I knew, as did she, that we may not find out a yes or a no until RD decision time so that is what we set our sights on for both. So although it didnā€™t happen, it very well could have and we prepared for exactly thatā€¦thinking then that if we received ANY news from either EA school before those stated RD time frames it would have been bonus.

Now, itā€™s none of your business of course why our situation ended up as is, but for the sake of addressing what feels like a bit of condescension Iā€™m choosing to explain. :+1:


Geezā€¦ I saw Night Ranger at a bar in Cleveland when in medical school the day Sister Christian hit number 1ā€¦ I got witnesses also :wink::grin:ā€¦ Now if she said Triumph. Maybe not. Wish I could see Holly Cole in Canadaā€¦

No reason not to be at peace. They clearly state what the process is and what to expect. They havenā€™t strayed from their statementā€¦

Not sure why youā€™re not at peace since they couldnā€™t have been more upfront about it. I guess simply bc you didnā€™t get the answer you wanted back in Janā€¦sorry for that. Lots of kids still waiting on lots of schools. It will all fall in to place hopefully by May. Best of luck.


When I said above that Iā€™m happy for you both I meant that sincerely. I am not questioning why you have no issue. Some of us view U-Mā€™s handling of communications differently and itā€™s ok for us to differ on this point.

Well, definitely not. We are not naive to believe UMich would definitely provide an acceptance.
In dozens of messages above I and others have voiced our reasons and Iā€™m not going to get into all that here again.

As I said itā€™s ok to view things differently. Nothing wrong with that.

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Everyone. The same arguments have been going in circles round and round. On CC they prefer you to address when being asked something like once. Otherwise it becomes a debate society and this is against their rules. The moderators have been very lient with the Michigan thread. I have asked for this behind the scenes for years. They are good people but at some point could start deleting some conversations or booting people off.
At the bottom somewhere are the rules. Please move on. We all want the acceptances to come soon.


The issue most of us have is that the U-M process has simply not been an honest EA. The other schools actually consider their early apps, and provide clear decisions to the applicants.

U-M kicks a good amount of applications without considering them. Itā€™s well-documented. Others have shown stats above that their HS have all of their applicants postponed every year. Our childā€™s HS is the same. Out of close to 20 applicants, 1 was accepted and 19 postponed (most with stats above 75%). Simply put, U-M plays a yield game and holds many high stat applicants hostage. Not all, but most.

It is entirely different from EVERY other EA school. Closest comparisons would be UVA and UNC in terms of size/reputation/process. UVA is super transparent and informational. UNC as well. After each of them, you know exactly where you stand and what your chances are. U-M? They kick your can down the road until itā€™s most convenient for their little game to ensure everybody loves them the most.

Iā€™m curious to see if folks go or if their kids go if they are so unhappy with the process


In all the years I have been here if it is truly the top pick and they can afford it, they tend to go.


Trying to get away from this topic as requested but Iā€™m curious are these schools/you OOS? Only because I know they take a drastically lower amount of OOS so it would make sense that only 1, or even none, are accepted at all from any given OOS school which naturally results then in the deferment or denial of most high stats kids. Besides that, if in state Iā€™m curious because they take most kids (based strictly on comparing one feeder school to a non-feeder school) with extremely high stats and ridiculously involved kids whose apps Iā€™ve seen stated ā€œarenā€™t possibleā€ just given a certain amount of hours in a day, lol, which I absolutely get!!! However, I also know because I have one of those kids, itā€™s possible. Not saying thatā€™s advisableā€¦.but itā€™s happening and some even more (mine didnā€™t cure cancer, discover a new planet etc lol!).

Just teasing on the extreme of that last part. Sort of, lol. Itā€™s crazy competitive and thatā€™s exactly why I prepared mine for deferral or denial because many, MOST, of these kids ā€œdeserveā€ spotsā€¦unfortunately thereā€™s just only so many slots and the majority go to in state and other specific things they may also be looking for.

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And with all the scandals, applications are still upā€¦

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